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Theatre: Journals

Theatre / Drama Journals

The following is a selected list of journals related to media arts. If a title does not have a link, it is available in print format only, and it's located in the Periodicals Room (level 2). If there is a link on the title, it is also available full-text online.

Call Number



PN 2000 .A3 A43x

American Theatre


PN 2277 .N5 A4

American Theatre Annual

Circulating Bookshelves


Applied Theatre Research


Z 675 .T36 B&

Broadside: Newsletter of the Theatre Library Association


PN 6112 .B45

The Burns Mantle Best Plays

Circulating Bookshelves

PN 2009 .C35

Canadian Theatre Review


PN 2000 .C53x

Children's Theatre Research


PN 3157 .C5

Children's Theatre Review


Contemporary Theatre Review


PN 2001 .C87x

The Curtain: A Monthly Review of Drama


PN 1601 .C66

Comparative Drama


PR 737 .C57x

Contemporary Dramatists

Circulating Bookshelves


The Corsair


PN 2001 .D73

Drama (British Theatre Association)


PN 2000 .D73

Drama Critique


PN 2016 .D64

Drama League Monthly


PN 2000 .D735x

The Drama Review (TDR)


PN 2000 .D73x

Drama & Theatre




PN 3175 .A1 HF





PN 2309 .L37

Latin American Theatre Review


PN 2289 .D73

Dramatists Sourcebook

Latest in Hum Ref, Earlier in Stacks

PN 3171 .E38

Educational Theatre Journal


PN 2000 .E52x



PN 2000 .G74x

Green Book Magazine


PN 1561 .X1 I5

International Bibliography of Theatre


International Journal of Scottish Theatre


PN 2001 .I5

International Theatre Informations


The Journal of American Drama and Theatre




PN 2001 .M38x

Mask (Florence, Italy)


PN 1985 .M56

Mime, Mask & Marionette


PN 1861 .M55

Modern Drama


PN 611 .M63

Modern International Drama


PN 1601 .N76

National Theatre Critics' Reviews


PN 2000 .N48x

New Theatre


PN 2001 .N48x

New Theatre Quarterly (NTQ)


PN 1601 .N76

New York Theatre Critics' Reviews


PN 1581 .N4

New York Times Theater Reviews


PN 1851 .N65

Nineteenth Century Theatre


PN 1851 .N65

Nineteenth Century Theatre & Film


PN 1851 .N65

Nineteenth Century Theatre Research


PN 2000 .O64x

One Act Play Magazine




PN 2001 .P53x

The Play Pictorial


PN 2000 .P53x



PN 2000 .P72



PN 2001 .P55

Plays and Players


PN 2001 .P52x

Plays International


PN 1970 .P85

Puppetry Journal


PN 2081 .R4 R43x

Readers Theatre News


PN 2000 .S69x

Southern Theatre


PN 4071 .S73

Speech and Drama


PN 2000 .S73x



Stage Directions


PN 1601 .D73x

Stage of the Art


PN 2000 .S78x

Studies in American Drama


NA 1 .T45

TD & T


PN 2000 .D68



PN 2000 .Y34

Theater (Yale School of Drama)


PN 2000 .T315

Theater Three


PN 2000 .T33

Theatre (International Theatre Institute of United States)


PN 2001 .T4

The Theatre


PN 2012 .T5

The Theatre Annual


PN 2000 .T4

Theatre (1886)


PN 2000 .T5

Theatre (1901)


PN 2000 .T312x

Theatre (New York, N.Y.:1959)


PN 2000 .T45

Theatre Arts


NA 1 .T45

Theatre Design & Technology: Journal of the US Institute for Theatre Technology


PN 1560 .T398

Theatre Documentation


PN 2000 .A1 T54x

Theatre International


PN 3171 .E38

Theatre Journal


PN 2000 .T5

Theatre Magazine


PN 2001 .T43

Theatre Notebook


PN 2570 .T54

Theatre, Opera, Ballet: Bilingual European Review


PN 2001 .T435

Theatre Quarterly (TQ)


PN 2596 .L6 L66

Theatre Record


PN 2001 .T436

Theatre Research International


PN 1620 .O45 A3

Theatre Studies


PN 2000 .T716

Theatre Survey


PN 2000 .T72

Theatre Time



Theatre Topics


PN 2000 .T73

Theatre Workshop


PN 2277 .N5 A17

Theatre World

Hum Ref/ and Circulating Bookshelves




PN 2001 .T5x

The Theatrical Inquisitor


PN 2000 .D68

The Tulane Drama Review


PN 2000 .T93x

TYA Today


PN 2000 .V3



PN 2000 .W67x

World Theatre (Theatre dans le Monde)


PN 3157 .Y68

Youth Theatre Journal



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