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Global Women's Studies: News Sources

Your guide to Global Women's Studies research: Find journal articles, books, primary sources, film, and more.

Current News

Individual Newspapers

Looking for a specific newspaper? Use the Journals link to locate and search the contents of a particular paper. 

Newspaper Collections

Historical Black Newspapers

ProQuest Historical Black Newspapers provide cultural perspective and insight to the events that shaped the United States. Covering everything from major events to everyday life, these titles are invaluable research tools for studying American history and African-American culture, history, politics, and art.


18th, 19th, 20th-Century Newspapers

Individual Newspapers

Looking for a specific newspaper archive? Use the Journals link to search for a specific paper by its title. 

Newspaper Collections

State-by-State List of Digitized Historical Newspapers

With the help of the Library of Congress, many states have been digitizing local historical newspapers.

Help us keep this list up-to-date. We check these links regularly, but if you find a bad link, let us know. 


Alabama State Newspapers - Chronicling America

Note: Alabama is currently in the process of completing an online database in 2020. A limited number of scans are available on the Library of Congress' Chronicling America database. 



Alaska's Digital Newspaper Project: Home 

Alaska State Library, Archives and Museums 



Arizona Digital Newspaper Program
Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records 



Arkansas State Newspapers - Chronicling America 

Note: Arkansas does not have an official online registry. A limited number of state newspapers are stored on the Chronicling America database.



California Digital Newspaper Collection 
University of California, Riverside 



Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection 

Colorado State Library 



Connecticut Digital Newspaper Project
Connecticut State Library 



Delaware Digital Newspaper Project 

University of Delaware, Library, Museums, and Press 


District of Columbia

District of Columbia Newspapers at Chronicling America 
Library of Congress 



Florida Digital Newspaper Library 
University of Florida Digital Collections 



Georgia Newspaper Collection 
Digital Library of Georgia 



Hawai’i Digital Newspaper Program 
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Library 



Idaho State Historical Society Digital Collections 
Idaho State Historical Society 



Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 



Hoosier State Chronicles: Indiana’s Digital Historic Newspaper Program 
Indiana State Library 



Iowa Digital Newspaper Project 
State Historical Society of Iowa 



Kansas Digital Newspapers 
Kansas State Historical Society 



The Kentucky Edition: Kentucky’s Historic Newspapers 
University of Kentucky Libraries 



Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project 
Louisiana State University Libraries 



Maine Newspaper Project 

Maine State Library 



Historic Maryland Newspapers Project 
University of Maryland Libraries 



Massachusetts State Newspapers - Chronicling America 

The Ancestor Hunt - Additional Massachusetts Resources 

Note: Massachusetts also does not have a central database. A limited number of papers on the Library of Congress site which is linked first, and the second link contains a blog has a list of local resources, some of which are available online.  



Michigan Newspaper Project 
Central Michigan University, Clarke Historical Library 



Minnesota Digital Newspaper Project 
Minnesota Historical Society 



Mississippi Newspaper Holdings 
Mississippi Department of Archives and History 



Missouri Digital Newspaper Project 
The State Historical Society of Missouri 



Montana Digital Newspaper Project 
Montana Historical Society 



Nebraska Newspapers: Digitizing Nebraska’s History 
University of Nebraska–Lincoln; Nebraska State Historical Society 



Nevada Digital Newspaper Project 

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, University Libraries 


New Hampshire

New Hampshire Newspaper Project 

New Hampshire State Library 

Note: New Hampshire's central database is only accessible by phone call or email, and access will require payment for specific digitized resources. 


New Jersey

New Jersey Digitized Historical Newspapers 

New Jersey State Library 

Note: The website provides links by county for the different newspapers. Access for the different local papers may not be free.


New Mexico

New Mexico Digital Newspapers 
University of New Mexico 


New York

New York Historic Newspapers
New York Public Library 


North Carolina

North Carolina Newspapers 
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill 


North Dakota

Archives – Newspapers 
State Historical Society of North Dakota 



Ohio’s Digitized Newspapers at Ohio Memory 
The Ohio History Connection; The State Library of Ohio 



The Gateway to Oklahoma History 
Oklahoma Historical Society 



Oregon Digital Newspaper Program 
University of Oregon Libraries 



Pennsylvania Newspaper Project 
Pennsylvania State University Libraries 


Puerto Rico

Florida and Puerto Rico Newspaper Project 
Digital Library of the Caribbean; Universidad de Puerto Rico 


Rhode Island

The Ancestor Hunt - Rhode Island Newspaper Resources 

Note: Rhode Island does not have a central database, nor are files stored on the Chronicling America database. This link provides any available local resources for newspapers that have been digitized by separate parties.  


South Carolina

South Carolina Digital Newspaper Program 
University of South Carolina Libraries 


South Dakota

Newspaper Digitization 
South Dakota State Archives 



Tennessee Newspaper Digitization Project 
University of Tennessee Libraries; Tennessee State Library and Archives 



Texas Digital Newspaper Program 

University of North Texas 



Utah Digital Newspapers 
University of Utah 



Vermont Digital Newspaper Project 
University of Vermont Libraries; Vermont Department of Libraries 



Virginia Chronicle 
Library of Virginia 



Legacy Washington: Historic Newspapers 
Washington State Library 


West Virginia

West Virginia Newspapers 
West Virginia University Libraries 



Wisconsin State Newspapers - Chronicling America

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 

Note: Starting in 2015, as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction began to upload digitized papers to the Chronicling America database, but the process is not complete.



Wyoming Newspapers 

Wyoming State Library 

Free Access: The New York Times

The BYU Library provides direct access to The New York Times online. Follow these simple instructions to create an account at 

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Utah Newspapers