One-stop assistance for local entrepreneurs. Coaching for business plans and loan applications. Networking, incubator office space, and classes. The closest center is hosted at UVU.
A volunteer organization providing one-on-one mentoring for new entrepreneurs by successful small business owners. They also provide workshops, and the website includes how-to guides.
Sample Business Plans
Small Business Reference Center (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowSBRC provides up to date information on relevant topics from starting a company, operations management and sales to growing or rescuing a business. The database contains nearly 400 full-text periodicals and over 450 full-text reference books. Includes small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans that lead to successful funding. Business videos provide critical information for business owners: interviews, lessons learned features, lectures and how to videos help foster success in all aspects of managing a business. A collection of state-specific resources supports the researcher with demographic data and other local information.
The source for sample business plans recommended by the SBA, about 1/3 of which are free. There are also templates, guides, and starting cost calculators.
by Jessica Tuwun
Last Updated Nov 25, 2024
335 views this year
Library Databases: Articles, best practices...
Small Business Reference Center (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowSBRC provides up to date information on relevant topics from starting a company, operations management and sales to growing or rescuing a business. The database contains nearly 400 full-text periodicals and over 450 full-text reference books. Includes small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans that lead to successful funding. Business videos provide critical information for business owners: interviews, lessons learned features, lectures and how to videos help foster success in all aspects of managing a business. A collection of state-specific resources supports the researcher with demographic data and other local information.
ProQuest One BusinessThis link opens in a new windowAn intuitive and comprehensive business library containing millions of full-text items across scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos, and more.
Business Source Premier - Enhanced Business Searching (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowThis alternative search interface for the Business Source Premier database makes it easier to find company and industry profiles, country reports, and market research reports. Unlike the traditional interface, it does not allow for searching across multiple EBSCO databases simultaneously.
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowBusiness Source Ultimate is a collection of popular business magazines, scholarly journals, and trade publications, including the Harvard Business Review. Business Source Premier covers accounting, banking, finance, international business, management, marketing, real estate, regional studies, sales, trade and technology.
Gale Small Business CollectionThis link opens in a new windowProvides access to academic journals and magazines perfect for both business school students and entrepreneurs. The database offers content that includes insights, tips, strategies and success stories.
Entrepreneurship & Small Business: Advice articles, how-to guides, financing and franchising tips, and listings for business opportunities.
Free online courses, guides and templates for business plans, forms required for SBA supported bank loan applications, ownership structures, management, accounting and legal guides, and tips on planning your exit.