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Classical Studies: Manuscript Studies

Finding Manuscripts

Aids for Finding Manuscripts

Greek Manuscripts

Pinakes: Textes et manuscrits grecs (

This database is a census of all Greek manuscripts up to the 16th century, with search capabilities by author, location, date, and other. The ongoing project constantly adds new manuscripts as they are discovered or catalogs are published.

To search, click on "recherche" or "listes".

The Greek Index Project Series

Records of 300,000 manuscripts of authors who lived prior to 1600. Description of the project at

On order for Ancient Studies.

Latin Manuscripts

Latin Manuscript Books before 1600 : A List of the Printed Cataogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections, by Paul Oskar Kristeller. Fifth Edition (2003) by Sigrid Krämer.

The most comprehensive bibliography of Latin manuscript catalogs. The fifth edition is available online at the above link. The Library also has the second, third, and fourth editions:

Ancient Studies Z 6605 .L3 K75 1993

Lee Stacks Z 6605 .L3 K75 1965

Lee Stacks Z 6605 .L3 K75 1960

A microfilm corpus of the indexes to printed catalogues of Latin manuscripts before 1600 A.D.

Microfilms of the indexes listed in Kristeller's Latin Manuscript Books before 1600, 3rd edition (1965).

Microfilm collection, Z No.90-127

Iter Italicum 

Comprehensive finding list of previously uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued Renaissance humanistic manuscripts found in libraries and collections all over the world.

Manuscript Digitizing Projects

"Meta" sites

Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts

Database maintained by UCLA providing links to thousands of manuscripts at institutions worldwide

Digital Scriptorium

Growing collection of more than 5,000 digitized manuscripts from various institutions.

Search the collection by keyword

Medieval Manuscripts on the Web

Site maintained by Siân Echard, Department of English, University of British Columbia

Individual Library projects

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Digital Library

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) has digitized several thousand of its manuscripts and continues to digitize more.

Collection overview

The collection overview page includes a keyword search box in which you can search for individual manuscripts by title (e.g. "Homiliae in psalmos") or BSB shelfmark (e.g. "Cod.graec. 314")

Greek manuscripts by BSB shelfmark (Cod.graec.)

Latin manuscripts by BSB shelfmark (Clm)

Links to all BSB digital collections, including other manuscript collections

British Library Digitised Manuscripts

The British Library (BL) has digitized nearly a thousand of its manuscripts, and the number is growing.

Collection overview

Browse the collection

Alphabetical indexes by BL shelfmark (e.g. Harley MS 5664), author, scribe, and title.

Search the collection by keyword

Free Library of Philadelphia

Collection overview


Getty Research Institute

Houghton Library (Harvard University) digital manuscripts

Collection overview

Searching instructions

Greek manuscripts

Latin manuscripts

Other manuscript collections

Library of Congress

Digitized manuscripts from the Rosenwald Collection

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Robert L. Maxwell
6728 Harold B. Lee Library

Brigham Young University

Provo, Utah 84602
