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Classical Studies: Language Dictionaries and Grammars - Greek

Greek Language Dictionaries and Grammars

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Defining Dictionaries

H.J. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon, 9th edition. Oxford, 1940. With  Revised supplement by P.G.W. Glare. Oxford, 1996.

Ancient StudiesHumanities Reference, and Lee Stacks PA 445 .E5 L6 1996

Online version at Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. Authentication required for BYU institutional subscription. To link from LSJ to TLG a (free) personal account is also required.

Online version at Perseus Project site

Standard Greek lexicon, commonly referred to as LSJ⁹. Especially strong for classical authors; the Greek of Christian and late authors is not covered, and also week on technical vocabularies.

  H.J. Liddell, R. Scott, An intermediate Greek-English lexicon.  Oxford, 1889.

Ancient Studies PA 445 .E5 L7 1975

Shorter than LSJ⁹, adequate for reading most authors.

Online version at Perseus Project site

F. Montanari, The Brill dictionary of ancient Greek, M. Goh & C. Schroeder, ediors of the English edition. Leiden, 2015.

Ancient Studies PA 445 .E5 M66 2015

Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE) and Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE) (Second edition)

Ancient Studies PA 445 .S6 D5 1986

Diccionario Griego-Español is the most important current project in Greek lexicography. DGE will eventually surpass LSJ, but it is several decades from completion.

See also DGE Online.

Supplement 1-2. Diccionario micénico. By F. Aura Jorro. 1985-1993. 2 v.

Ancient Studies PA 445 .S6 D5 Suppl.1-2

Supplement 3. Repertorio bibliográfico de la lexicografía griega. By P. Boned. 1998.

Contains bibliographic material about lexicography, including information about individual words.

Online updates at

Ancient Studies PA 445 .S6 D5 Suppl.3 + Suppl.3.1-3.3.

Supplement 4. El léxico de los poetas Lesbios. By H. Rodríguez Somolinos.1998.

Ancient Studies PA 445 .S6 D5 Suppl.4

Supplement 5. Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos. By L. Muñoz Delgado and J. Rodríguez Somolinos. 2001.

Ancient Studies PA 445 .S6 D5 Suppl.5

Supplement 6. La lexicografía griega y el Diccionario griego-español. Ed. F.R. Adrados, J. Rodríguez Somolino. 2005.

Ancient Studies PA 445 .S6 D5 Suppl.6

Supplement 7. Suplemento al diccionario Micénico (DMic.Supl.). Ed. Francisco Aura Jorro, Alberto Bernabé, Eugenio R. Luján, Juan Piquero, Carlos Varias García. 2020.

On order for Ancient Studies 7 March 2023

G.W.H. Lampe, A patristic Greek lexicon. Oxford, 1961.

Ancient Studies and Humanities Reference PA 681 .P3

Covers patristic Greek from Clement of Rome to Theodore of Studium. Does not cover pagan authors of the same time period.

C. Du Cange, Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae graecitatis. Lyon, 1688 (1958 reprint)

Ancient Studies PA 1125 .D8 1688a

Medieval and later Greek.

E.A. Sophocles, Greek lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine periods (from B.C. 146 to A. D. 1000). Athens, 2023. 3 v.

Ancient Studies PA 1125 .S7 2023

H. Estienne, Thesaurus Graecae linguae. Geneva, 1572 (and reprinted)

Ancient Studies and Special Collections Reference PA 442 .E8 1954 (reprint)

Vault 094.2 Es86h 1572 (original edition)

Online version at Gallica

First major Greek lexicon, still useful for understanding the range of meanings of Greek words.

S.C. Woodhouse, English-Greek dictionary : a vocabulary of the Attic language. London, 1971.

Lee Stacks PA 445 .E5 W6 1971

Online version at University of Chicago.


Words In Progress

Free online database. An on-going supplement to the major currently used dictionaries of Ancient and Byzantine Greek.

Etymological Dictionaries

P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque : histoire des mots. Paris, 2009.

Ancient Studies PA 422 .C5 2009

H. Frisk, Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg, 1960-1972.

Ancient Studies PA 422 .F7x

R.S.P. Beekes, Etymological dictionary of Greek. Leiden 2009.

Ancient Studies PA 422 .B44 2010

Online, searchable version available in Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries

Reverse Indexes and Dictionaries

C.D. Buck and W. Petersen, A reverse index of Greek nouns and adjectives : arranged by terminations with brief historical introductions. Chicago, 1945 (1970 reprint)

Ancient Studies PA 459 .B8 1970

P. Kretschmer and E. Locker, Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Sprache. Göttingen, 1963.

Ancient Studies PA 459 .K74x 1963

F. Dornseiff and B. Hansen, Reverse-lexicon of Greek proper-names = Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen. Berlin, 1957 (1978 reprint)

Lee Stacks PA 423 .D67x 1978


A. Blanchard, Sigles et abréviations dans les papyrus documentaires grecs. London, 1974.

Lee Stacks PA 25 .L8 Suppl. no.30

K. McNamee, Abbreviations in Greek literary papyri and ostraca. Chico, Calif., 1981.

Lee Stacks PA 3369 .M38

A.N. Oikonomidēs, Abbreviations in Greek inscriptions, papyri, manuscripts, and early printed books. Chicago, 1974.

Ancient Studies Z 111 .O54


Ancient Grammarians

See the series Grammatici Graeci recogniti et apparatu critico instructi or Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer Grammatiker as well as

Apollonius Dyscolus, De la construction = Περὶ συντάξεως. Ed. J. Lallot. Paris, 1997.

Ancient Studies PA 3871 .A2 A7414 1997

Modern Grammars

R. Kühner and F. Blass, Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache. Third edition. Hannover and Leipzig, 1890-1904.

Ancient Studies PA 254 .K7 1966

E. Schwyzer and A. Debrunner, Griechische Grammatik. Munich, 1959-1971.

Ancient Studies A 25 .H24

G.L. Cooper, Attic Greek prose syntax. Ann Arbor, 1998.

Lee Stacks PA 526 .C666 2003 vol. 1-2

G.L. Cooper, Greek syntax : early Greek poetic and Herodotean syntax. Ann Arbor, 2003.

Lee Stacks PA 526 .C666 2003 vol. 3-4

H.W. Smyth. Greek grammar. New York, 1920 (and later reprints)

Ancient Studies and Lee Stacks PA 254 .S6 1956

B.L. Gildersleeve, Syntax of classical Greek from Homer to Demosthenes. New York, 1900-1911.

Lee Stacks PA367 .G5 1980

W.W. Goodwin, Syntax of the moods and tenses of the Greek verb. London, 1912.

Lee Stacks PA 369 .G6 1912

A. Rijksbaron, The syntax and semantics of the verb in classical Greek. Amsterdam, 1984.

Lee Stacks PA 337 .R5 1984