Click on ♦ to access the BYU Catalog description of the book.
For fuller information about art research, see the Art and Art History and Iconography Library Guides
♦ Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC). 1981. 12 vols.
Premier source for the iconography of Classical mythology in art. Articles in French and German, heavily illustrated.
Ancient Studies N 7760 .L49 1981
♦ A Dictionary of Pictorial Subjects from Classical Literature: A Guide to Their Identification in Works of Art. 1983 -
Humanities Reference N 7760 .P68 1983
♦ Enciclopedia dell'arte antica, classica e orientale. 1958- 12+ vols.
Humanities Reference N 31 .E48
Oxford Art Online (includes Grove Art Online and Benezit Dictionary of Artists)
Comprehensive encyclopedia of art, with authoritative and comprehensive reference sources for all visual arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, drawing, printmaking, design, and decorative arts. Includes links to images from libraries and museums.
♦ Reid, Jane Davidson. The Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s. 1993. 2 vols.
Arranged by mythological name. Lists modern works, both art and literature, based on classical mythology. Bibliographies of sources, later treatments.
Humanities Reference NX 650 .M9 R45 1993
♦ Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome. 1968. 2 vols.
Humanities Reference NA 310 .N28 1968