Collections of essays by specialists introducing the reader to major issues on classics topics
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Oxford Companions and Handbooks
Oxford readings in classical studies
see also Oxford handbooks
Oxford companions related to Classics:
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Aeschylus. Ed. Michael Lloyd. 2007.
Lee Stacks PA 3829 .O94 2007
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: ancient literary criticism. Ed. Andrew Laird. 2006.
Lee Stacks PA 3013 .O97 2006
♦ The Oxford handbook of animals in classical thought and life. Ed. Gordon Lindsay Campbell. 2014.
Lee Stacks QL 87 .O94x 2014
♦ Oxford companion to archaeology. Ed. Brian M. Fagan and others. 1996.
Social Science Reference CC 70 .O96 1996
Available electronically here (authentication required).
♦ The Oxford handbook of archaeology. Ed. Barry Cunliffe, Chris Gosden, Rosemary A. Joyce. 2009.
Lee Stacks CC 165 .O94x 2009
♦ Oxford readings in Aristophanes. Ed. Erich Segal. 1996.
Lee Stacks PA 3879 .O94 1996
♦ The Oxford handbook of Aristotle. Ed. Christopher Shields. 2012.
Lee Stacks B 485 .O94 2015
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: the Attic orators. Ed. Edwin Carawan. 2007.
Lee Stacks PA 3264 .O94 2007
♦ The Oxford handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean. Ed. Eric H. Cline. 2012.
Lee Stacks DF 220 .O946 2010
♦ The Oxford handbook of Byzantine literature. Ed. Stratis Papaioannou. 2021.
Lee Stacks PA 5110 .O94 2021
♦ The Oxford handbook of Byzantine studies. Ed. Elizabeth Jeffreys with John Haldon and Robin Cormack. 2008.
Lee Stacks DF 552 .O93 2008
♦ The Oxford handbook of childhood and education in the classical world. Ed. Judith Evans Grubbs and Tim Parkin. 2013.
Lee Stacks DE 61 .C4 O58 2013
♦ Oxford companion to classical civilization. Ed. Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth. 1998.
Humanities Reference DE 5 .O84x 1998
Available electronically here (authentication required).
♦ The Oxford companion to classical literature. Ed. M.C. Howatson. 2011.
Humanities Reference PA 31 .H69 2011
Available electronically here (authentication required).
♦ The Oxford handbook of engineering and technology in the classical world. Ed. John Peter Oleson. 2008.
Lee Stacks T 16 .O94 2008
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Euripides. Ed. Judith Mossman. 2003.
Lee Stacks PA 3978 .E884 2003
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Flavian epic. Ed. A. Augoustakis. 2016.
Lee Stacks PA 6791 .V4 F528 2016
♦ The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman art and architecture. Ed. Clemente Marconi. 2015.
Lee Stacks N 5630 .O94 2015
♦ The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman coinage. Ed. William E. Metcalf. 2012.
Lee Stacks CJ 339 .O95 2012
♦ The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman comedy. Ed. Michael Fontaine and Adele C. Scafuro. 2014.
Lee Stacks PA 3028 .O87 2014
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Greek and Roman historiography. Ed. John Marincola. 2003.
Lee Stacks DE 8 .G74x 2011
♦ The Oxford handbook of Greek drama in the Americas. Ed. Kathryn Bosher, Fiona Macintosh, Justine McConnell, and Patrice Rankine.2015.
Lee Stacks PA 3133 .O94 2015
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Greek Lyric. Ed. I Rutherford. 2019.
Lee Stacks PA 3092 .G74x 2019
♦ Oxford readings in the Greek novel. Ed. Simon Swain. 1999..
Lee Stacks PA 3267 .O94 1999
♦ Oxford readings in Greek tragedy. Ed. Erich Segal. 1983.
Lee Stacks PA 3133 .O93 1983
♦ The Oxford handbook of Hellenic studies. Ed. George Boys-Stones, Barbara Graziosi and Phiroze Vasunia. 2009.
Lee Stacks DF 235 .O94x 2009
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Herodotus. Ed. Rosaria Vignolo Munson. 2003. 2 vols.
Lee Stacks PA 4004 .H46 2013
♦ The Oxford handbook of Hesiod. Ed. Alexander C.Loney, Stephen Scully. 2018.
Lee Stacks PA 4011 .O96 2018
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Homer's Odyssey. Ed. Lillian E. Doherty. 2009.
Lee Stacks PA 4037 .A5 H798 2009
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Homer's Iliad. Ed. Douglas L. Cairns. 2002.
Lee Stacks PA 4037 .A5 O94 2001
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Horace, odes and epodes. Ed. Michele Lowrie. 2009.
Lee Stacks PA 6411 .H5953 2009
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Horace, satires and epistles. Ed. Kirk Freudenburg. 2009.
Lee Stacks PA 6411 .H5955 2009
♦ The Oxford handbook of Jewish daily life in Roman Palestine. Ed. Catherine Hezser. 2010.
Lee Stacks DS 122 .O94 2010
♦ The Oxford handbook of The Oxford handbook of late antiquity. Ed. Scott Johnson. 2016.
Lee Stacks DE 80 .O84 2016
♦ The Oxford handbook of Latin palaeography. Ed. Frank T. Coulson. 2020.
Lee Stacks Z 114 .O94x 2020
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Latin panegyric. Ed. Roger Rees. 2012.
Lee Stacks PA 6083 .L38x 2012
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Livy. Ed. Jane D. Chaplin and Christina S. Kraus. 2008.
Lee Stacks PA 6459 .L58 2009
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Lucan. Ed. Charles Tesoriero, Frances Muecke, and Tamara Neal. 2010.
Lee Stacks PA 6480 .L775 2010
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Lucretius. Ed. Monica R. Gale. 2007.
Lee Stacks PA 6484 .L85 2011
♦ The Oxford handbook of medieval Latin literature. Ed. Catherine Hezser. 2012.
Lee Stacks PA 2025 .O94 2012
♦ The Oxford handbook of neo-Latin. Ed. Sarah Knight and Stefan Trig. 2015.
Lee Stacks PA 8015 .O96 2015
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Ovid. Ed. Peter E. Knox. 2006.
Lee Stacks PA 6537 .O94 2006
♦ The Oxford handbook of papyrology. Ed. Roger S. Bagnall. 2009.
Ancient Studies Z 110 .P36 O98 2009
♦ The Oxford handbook of Plato. Ed. Gail Fine. 2008.
E-book (accessible through the catalog record by authentication [click on the diamond to the left of the title])
♦ The Oxford handbook of pre-Roman Italy. Ed. Marco Maiuro. 2024.
On order for Ancient Studies 11 March 2024
♦ The Oxford handbook of presocratic philosophy. Ed. Patricia Curd and Daniel W. Graham. 2011.
E-book (accessible through the catalog record by authentication [click on the diamond to the left of the title])
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Propertius. Ed. Ellen Greene and Tara S. Welch. 2012.
Lee Stacks PA 6646 .P76x 2012
♦ The Oxford handbook of Quintilian. Ed. Marc van der Poel. 2021.
Lee Stacks PA 6651 .O94x 2021
♦ The Oxford handbook of Roman Egypt. Ed. Christina Riggs. 2012.
Lee Stacks DT 93 .A2 O94x 2012
♦ The Oxford handbook of Roman epigraphy. Ed. Christer Bruun and Jonathan Edmondson. 2014.
Ancient Studies CN 525 .O94 2015
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: the Roman historical tradition: regal and republican Rome. Ed. James H. Richardson and Federico Santangelo. 2014.
Lee Stacks DG 231.3 .R66x 2014
♦ Oxford readings in the Roman novel. Ed. S.J. Harrison. 1999.
Lee Stacks PA 6091 .O94 1999
♦ The Oxford handbook of Roman sculpture. Ed. Elise A. Freidland. 2015.
Humanities Reference NB 115 .O925x 2015
♦ The Oxford handbook of Roman studies. Ed. Alessandro Barchiesi and Walter Scheidel. 2010.
Lee Stacks DG 209 .O94 2010
♦ The Oxford handbook of social relations in the Roman world. Ed. Michael Peachin. 2011.
Lee Stacks HN 10 .R7 O94 2011
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Sallust. Ed. William M. Batsone. 2020
Lee Stacks PA 6656 .S25x 2020
♦ The Oxford handbook of Oxford readings in classical studies: Seneca. Ed. John G. Fitch. 2008.
Lee Stacks B 618 .S387 2008
Oxford readings in classical studies: Sport in the Greek and Roman world. Ed. Thomas F. Scanlon. 2014. 2 vols.
♦ Lee Stacks GV 573 .S76x 2014 (vol. 1)
♦ Lee Stacks GV 573 .S77x 2014 (vol. 2)
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Tacitus. Ed. Rhiannon Ash. 2012.
Lee Stacks DG 206 .T32 T33 2012
♦ The Oxford handbook of Thucydides. Ed. Ryan K. Balot 2017.
Lee Stacks DF 229 .T6 O84 2017
♦ Oxford readings in classical studies: Thucydides. Ed. Jeffrey S. Rusten. 2009.
Lee Stacks DF 229 .T6 T52x 2009
♦ Oxford readings in Virgil's Aeneid. Ed. S.J. Harrison. 1990.
Lee Stacks PA 6825 .O94 1990
♦ The Oxford handbook of warfare in the classical world. Ed. Brian Campbell and Lawrence A. Tritle. 2013.
Lee Stacks U 29 .O93 2013
♦ The Oxford companion to world mythology. Ed. David Leeming. 2005.
Religion/Family History Reference BL 312 .L44 2005