Collections of essays by specialists introducing the reader to major issues on classics topics
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Cambridge Companions
Cambridge companions to the ancient world
see also Cambridge companions to literature
see also Cambridge companions to philosophy
see also Cambridge companions to religion
Cambridge companions related to Classics:
♦ The Cambridge companion to the Aegean Bronze Age. Ed. Cynthia W. Shelmerdine. Cambridge, 2008.
Lee Stacks DF 220 .C36x 2008
♦ The Cambridge companion to the age of Augustus. Ed. Karl Galinsky. Cambridge, 2005.
Lee Stacks DG 279 .C35 2005
♦ The Cambridge companion to the age of Constantine. Ed. Noel Lenski. Cambridge, 2012.
Lee Stacks DG 315 .C36 2012
♦ The Cambridge companion to the age of Justinian. Ed. Michael Maas. Cambridge, 2005.
Lee Stacks DF 572 .C35 2005
♦ The Cambridge companion to the age of Pericles, Ed. Loren J. Samons II. Cambridge, 2007.
Lee Stacks DF 227 .C35 2007
The Cambridge companion to Alexander the Great. Ed. Daniel Ogden. Cambridge, 2023.
On order for Lee Stacks 23 March 2024
♦ The Cambridge companion to ancient Athens. Ed. Jenifer Neils. Cambridge, 2021.
Lee Stacks DF 275 .C27 2021
The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law. Ed. Michael Gagarin, David Cohen. Cambridge, 2005.
♦ Law Library KL 106.5 .C36 2005
♦ Lee Stacks KL 4106.5 .C36 2005
♦ The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek political thought. Ed. Stephen Salkever. Cambridge, 2009.
Lee Stacks JC 73 .C364 2009
♦ The Cambridge companion to ancient Mediterranean religions. Ed. Barbette Stanley Spaeth. Cambridge, 2013.
Lee Stacks BL 687 .S63 2013
♦ The Cambridge companion to ancient rhetoric. Ed. Erik Gunderson. Cambridge, 2009.
Lee Stacks PA 181 .C36 2009
♦ The Cambridge companion to ancient Rome. Ed. Paul Erdkamp. Cambridge, 2013.
Lee Stacks DG 63 .C284 2013
♦ The Cambridge companion to ancient scepticism. Ed. Richard Bett. Cambridge, 2010.
Lee Stacks B 525 .C36 2010
♦ The Cambridge companion to archaic Greece. Ed. H.A. Shapiro. Cambridge, 2007.
Lee Stacks DF 77 .C317 2007
♦ The Cambridge companion to Aristotle. Ed. Jonathan Barnes. Cambridge, 1995.
Lee Stacks B 485 .C35 1995
♦ The Cambridge companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics. Ed. Ronald Polansky. Cambridge, 2014.
Lee Stacks B 430 .C36 2014
♦ The Cambridge companion to Aristotle's Politics. Ed. Marguerite Deslauriers, Pierre Destrée. Cambridge, 2013.
Lee Stacks JC 71 .A7 C37 2013
♦ The Cambridge companion to Augustine. Ed. Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann. Cambridge, 2001.
Lee Stacks B 655 .Z7 C35 2001
♦ The Cambridge companion to Augustine. Ed. David Vincent Meconi, Eleonore Stump. Cambridge, 2014.
Lee Stacks B 655 .Z7 C35 2014
♦ The Cambridge companion to Boethius. Ed. John Marenbon. Cambridge, 2009.
Lee Stacks B 659 .Z7 C36 2009
♦ The Cambridge companion to Cicero. Ed. Catherine Steel. Cambridge, 2013.
Lee Stacks PA 6320 .C29 2013
♦ The Cambridge companion to Catullus. Ed. Ian Du Quesnay. Cambridge, 2021.
Lee Stacks PA 6276 .C264 2021
♦ The Cambridge companion to early Greek philosophy. Ed. A.A. Long. Cambridge, 1999.
Lee Stacks B 188 .C35 1999
♦ The Cambridge companion to Epicureanism. Ed. James Warren. Cambridge, 2009.
Lee Stacks B 512 .C35 2009
♦ The Cambridge companion to Galen. Ed. R.J. Hankinson. Cambridge, 2008.
Lee Stacks B 577 .G24 C36 2008
♦ The Cambridge companion to the Greek and Roman novel. Ed. Tim Whitmarsh. Cambridge, 2008.
Lee Stacks PA 3040 .C36 2008
♦ The Cambridge companion to Greek and Roman philosophy. Ed. David Sedley. Cambridge, 2003.
Lee Stacks B 111 .C36 2003
♦ The Cambridge companion to Greek and Roman theatre. Ed. Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton. Cambridge, 2007.
Lee Stacks PA 3201 .C26 2007
♦ The Cambridge companion to Greek comedy. Ed. Martin Revermann. Cambridge, 2014.
Lee Stacks PA 3161 .C27 2014
♦ The Greek epic cycle and its ancient reception : a companion. Ed. M. Fantuzzi, C. Tsagalis. Cambridge, 2015.
Lee Stacks PA 3105 .G75 2015
♦ The Cambridge companion to Greek lyric. Ed. Felix Budelmann. Cambridge, 2009.
Lee Stacks PA 3110 .C26 2009
♦ The Cambridge companion to Greek mythology. Ed. Roger D. Woodard. Cambridge, 2007.
Lee Stacks BL 783 .C36 2007
♦ The Cambridge companion to Greek tragedy. Ed. P.E. Easterling. Cambridge, 1997.
Lee Stacks PA 3131 .E28 1997
♦ The Cambridge companion to the Hellenistic world. Ed. Glenn R. Bugh. Cambridge, 2006.
Lee Stacks DE 86 .C35 2006
♦ The Cambridge companion to Herodotus. Ed. Carolyn Dewald and John Marincola. Cambridge, 2006.
Lee Stacks PA 4004 .C36x 2006
♦ The Cambridge companion to historical archaeology. Ed. Dan Hicks and Mary C. Beaudry. Cambridge, 2006.
Lee Stacks CC 77 .H5 C36 2006
♦ The Cambridge companion to Homer. Ed. Robert Fowler. Cambridge, 2004.
Lee Stacks PA 4037 .C258x 2004
♦ The Cambridge guide to Homer. Ed. Corinne Ondine Pache. Cambridge, 2020.
Lee Stacks PA 4037 .C2583 2020
♦ The Cambridge companion to Horace. Ed. Stephen Harrison. Cambridge, 2007.
Lee Stacks PA 6411 .C28 2007
♦ The Cambridge companion to the writings of Julius Caesar. Ed. Luca Grillo. Cambridge, 2018.
Lee Stacks PA 6246 .C29 2018
♦ The Cambridge companion to Latin love elegy. Ed. Thea S. Thorsen. Cambridge, 2013
Lee Stacks PA 6059 .E6 C36 2013
♦ The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. Ed. Stuart Gillespie, Philip Hardie. Cambridge, 2007.
Lee Stacks PA 6484 .C33 2007
♦ The Cambridge companion to Ovid. Ed. Philip Hardie. Cambridge, 2002.
Lee Stacks PA 6537 .C28 2002
♦ The Cambridge companion to Philo. Ed. Adam Kamesar. Cambridge, 2009.
Lee Stacks B 689 .Z7 C29 2009
♦ The Cambridge companion to Plato. Ed. Richard Kraut. Cambridge, 1992.
Lee Stacks B 395 .C28 1992
♦ The Cambridge companion to Plato's Republic. Ed. G.R.F. Ferrari. Cambridge, 2007.
Lee Stacks JC 71 .P6 C36 2007
♦ The Cambridge companion to Plotinus. Ed. Lloyd P. Gerson. Cambridge, 1996.
Lee Stacks B 693 .Z7 C36 1996
The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Ed. Francis B. Titchener. Cambridge, 2023.
On order for Lee Stacks 30 September 2023
♦ The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy. Ed. Walter Scheidel. Cambridge, 2013.
Lee Stacks HC 39 .C36 2012
♦ The Cambridge companion to the Roman historians. Ed. by Andrew Feldherr. Cambridge, 2009.
Lee Stacks DG 205 .C35 2009
♦ The Cambridge companion to the Roman Republic. Ed. Harriet I. Flower. Cambridge, 2014.
Lee Stacks DG 235 .C36 2014
♦ The Cambridge companion to Roman satire. Ed. Kirk Freudenburg. Cambridge, 2005.
Lee Stacks PA 6095 .C36 2005
♦ The Cambridge companion to Sappho. Ed. P.J. Finglass. Cambridge, 2021.
Lee Stacks PA 4409 .C36 2021
♦ The Cambridge companion to Socrates. Ed. Donald R. Morrison. Cambridge, 2011.
Lee Stacks B 317 .C35 2011
♦ The Cambridge companion to the Stoics. Ed. Brad Inwood. Cambridge, 2003.
Lee Stacks B 528 .C26 2003
♦ The Cambridge companion to Tacitus. Ed. A. J. Woodman. Cambridge, 2009.
Lee Stacks PA 6716 .C36 2009
♦ The Cambridge companion to Thucydides. Ed. P. Low. Cambridge, 2023.
Lee Stacks DF 229 .T6 C345 2023
♦ The Cambridge companion to Virgil. Ed. by Charles Martindale. Cambridge, 1997.
Lee Stacks PA 6825 .C35 1997
♦ The Cambridge companion to Virgil. Ed. by Fiachra MacGorain. Cambridge, 2019.