Film Catalogs
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
* Encyclopedia of Epic Films, 2014. (E-book)
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Films. 2015. HumRef PN 1995 .R6857 2015.
Katz. The Film Encyclopedia. 2008. HumRef PN 1993.45 .K34 2008
Mayer. Encyclopedia of Film Noir. HumRef PN 1995.9 .F54 M39 2007
​Roud. Cinema: A Critical Dictionary. 1980. 2 vols. HumRef PN 1993.45 .C5
The Oxford History of World Cinema. HumRef PN 1993.5 .A1 O96 1996
Cinema Year by Year: 1894-2001. HumRef PN 1993.5 .A1 C566 2001
Shipman. The Story of Cinema: An Illustrated History. 2 vols. HumRef PN 1993.5 .A1 S52 1980
International Motion Picture Almanac. (annual)1929-present. HumRef PN 1993.3 .I55 (latest 5 years @ HumRef)
Variety International Film Guide. 1989-present. HumRef PN 1993.3 .I544 (latest 5 years @ HumRef)
The Humanities Reference area only has a few filmographies; most are housed in the regular stacks.
Search in the Library Catalog using the following keywords: (topic or genre) and filmography or the subject heading s= motion pictures--catalogs
Examples: science fiction and filmography | spielberg and filmography
Benson. Vintage Science Fiction Films, 1896-1949. 1985. PZ 4 .A25 B46
Darby. Masters of Lens and Light: A Checklist of Major Cinematographers and their Feature Films. 1991. HumRef PN 1998.D285 1991
Garfield. Western Films: A Complete Guide. 1982. HumRef PN 1995.9 .W4 G3 1982
Ottoson. A Reference Guide to Film Noir: 1940-1958. HumRef PN 1995.9 .U6 O9
Sigoloff. Films of the Seventies: A Filmography of American, British, and Canadian Films, 1970-79. 1984. HumRef PN 1993.45 .S53 1984
Sloan. Alfred Hitchcock: A Guide to References and Resources. 1993. HumRef PN 1998.3 .H58 S57 1993
Wilt. The Mexican Filmography: 1916-2001. HumRef PN 1993.5 .M4 W55 2004
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