Online Sources
Print Sources (more on Level 5 of the Library)
The Encyclopedia of British Film. 2013. HumRef PN 1993.5 .G7 E53 2013
Baladi. Dicionário de Cinema Brasileiro. HumRef PN 1993.5 .B6 B35x 2013
The Oxford History of World Cinema. 1996. HumRef PN 1993.5 .A1 O96 1996
Encyclopedia of European Cinema. HumRef PN 1993.5 .E8 V56 1995
Handbook of Soviet and East European Films and Filmmakers. 1992. HumRef PN 1993.5 .R9 H28 1992
Historical Dictionary of Chinese Cinema. HumRef PN 1993.5.C4 Y43 2012
Historical Dictionary of German Cinema. HumRef PN 1993.5 .G3 R417 2008
Leaman. Companion Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern and North African Film. PN 1993.5 .A65 C66 2001
Powrie. French Cinema. 4 vols. HumRef PN 1993.5 .F725 2014
Rajadhyaksha. Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema. HumRef PN 1993.5 .I4 R33x 1994
Shaw. A Filmography of Asian Films and Films about Asia. HumRef PN 1993.5 .A7 X42 1990
Shiri. Directory of African Film-makers and Films. HumRef PN 1993.5 .A35 S48 1992
Stevens. Directory of Contemporary Dutch Films & Filmmakers. HumRef PN 1993.5 .N4 S7 1990
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