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Film & Media Arts: Books & eBooks (incl. Screenplays)

Finding Books

Call Numbers

PN 1993-1998  Motion Pictures
PN 1993  Periodicals, Societies,Serials
PN 1993.3  Yearbooks
PN 1993.45  Dictionaries
PN 1993.5  History
PN 1993.7  Study and Teaching
PN 1993.8  Specific Countries
PN 1993.9  Competitions, Prizes
PN 1995  General Criticism,Aesthetics
PN 1995.6  Censorship
PN 1995.7  Pictures and Sound
PN 1995.8  Amateur Motion Pictures
PN 1995.9  Special Topics
PN 1996  Authorship, Writing
PN 1997  Screenplays
PN 1997.85  Film and Video Adaptations
PN 1998.2  Biographies

Subject Headings

  • Most film books are given the subject heading motion pictures, with numerous subdivisions. 
  • For specific geographical area, two types of headings are used: motion pictures--Italy and motion pictures, Italian
  • For books on specific topics or films, use the following headings:

motion pictures in ...topic... (ex: motion pictures in propaganda)
...topic... in motion pictures (ex: characters and characteristics in motion pictures)
motion pictures and ...topic... (ex: motion pictures and war)

  • Books on specific films have the title of the film as a subject heading: 
    Occurrence at owl creek bridge (motion picture)
  • Film-related subject headings:

film genres
animated films
comedy films
documentary films
historical films
horror films
western films
feature films
film noir
science fiction films
experimental films
motion picture film
film makeup
film festivals
film credits
film critics (also women film critics)
film criticism
motion pictures--reviews
film posters
film archives
motion picture studios
motion picture film collections
motion picture industry
motion picture journalism
motion picture actors and actresses
motion picture producers and directors
motion picture authorship
motion picture audiences
musical films
motion picture music--discography
motion pictures and theater
operas--film and video adaptations
italian literature--film and video adaptations
motion pictures and literature
academy awards (motion pictures)
women in motion pictures
women film critics
feminism and motion pictures
feminist film criticism

  • If you're looking for films on video, search "hamlet and videorecording"
  • For film adaptations, use "film adaptations"

Searching for Screenplays

  • Screenplays are catalogued in PN 1997, then individually by title. Search in the Library Catalog by keyword.
  • Screenplays could also be part of an anthology of screenplays. Anthologies have the subject heading
    s=motion picture plays and are located in the PN 1997 .A1 area in the stacks.

Best Film Plays PN 1997 .A1G32 1977 vol.1

Twenty Best Film Plays PN 1997 .A1 G32 1977 vol.2

Film Scripts (One-Four) PN 1997 .A1 G25 1989

Four-Star Scripts PN 1997.A1 N6 1978

Motion Picture Continuities PN 1997 .A1 P3 1977

The Project Muse PN 1997.A1 P76

  • Screenplays are also indexed in the following sources:

McCarty. Published Screenplays: A Checklist. HumRef PN 1997 .X1 M3 1971

Poteet. Published Radio,Television, and Film Scripts: A Bibliography. 1975. HumRef PN 1991.77.A1 X67

Wheaton and Jewell. PrimaryCinema Sources: An Index to Screenplays, Interviews, and Special Collections at the University of Southern California. 1975. HumRef PN 1997 .A1 X93

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