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Asian Studies: Asian Studies at BYU

A guide to resources for Asian Studies

Asian Studies at BYU -- Introduction

This page contains information on all things Asian Studies at BYU, including: professors & programs, clubs & career plans, films & funding opportunities, and many other Asia-related resources found both within the library and elsewhere on campus.

Books by BYU Asian Studies Faculty (alphabetical by author)

David B. Honey, A History of Chinese Classical Scholarship, Volume I (2001). Three volumes of a projected five part series have been published.

Asian Studies Librarian

Profile Photo
Tim Davis
I am happy to meet with you in person or virtually to help you with any research questions.

Office: 5449 HBLL
Phone: 801-422-4061

Asian Collection 4th Floor Map (Click to Enlarge)

Asian Studies Program at BYU

Undergraduate Course Catalog Information:

Asian Studies Program

Department of Asian & Near Eastern Languages

Class Schedule/Class Search You can use "advanced search" feature to search for particular professor by name to see which courses they teach.

Graded Readers for Developing Your Reading Skills


Improve Your Reading Skills Through Extensive Reading

We have a growing collection of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, materials (including children's books and graphic novels). These materials are divided into different levels of difficulty. Level 0 is the most simple, Level 6 is native level.

The purpose of this collection is to help you find materials at your reading level that you can read widely without the aid of a dictionary. As your reading skills improve, you can move up to higher levels. These books are meant to be read onsite, but they can be checked out for 2 days. 

The Asian Language Reading Shelves are located on Level 4 at the very front of the Asian Collection on wooden shelves. 


Other Research Funding Opportunities

International Cinema at BYU

International Cinema at BYU shows around 100 films each year from all parts of the world (including China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries). Many films are introduced with a lecture by BYU faculty. Click the link to access the current schedule.

Chinese Flagship Program

Chinese Flagship at BYU

  • Dr. Mathew Christensen, Program Director
  • Rita Cortez, Program Manager
  • Wang Yung-Wei, Flagship Visiting Instructor
  • Chang Ching Lin, Flagship Visiting Instructor
  • Dr. Hu Min, Adjunct Instructor

BYU Center for Language Study

The BYU Center for Language Study offers courses in a wide variety of less commonly taught Asian languages.

Asian Studies Faculty at BYU

Director of Asian Studies

  • Marc Yamada, Dept. of Comparative Arts and Letters (Modern Japanese film and fiction)

Asian Studies Librarian

  • Tim Davis, BYU, Harold B. Lee Library (Supports students and faculty research, manages the Asian Collection)

Asian Literature & Film

  • David Honey, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Classical Chinese, Chinese Poetry, and  Chinese Thought)
  • Richard McBride, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Premodern Korean literature, history, and religion; especially Buddhist literature, spells, incantations, strange tales, and ghost stories; the historiography and society of the early Korean state of Silla (ca. 300–935)
  • Scott Miller, Dean of Humanities, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Modern Japanese Literature)
  • Steve Riep, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Modern Chinese Literature & Film)
  • Jack Stoneman, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Premodern Japanese Language & Literature) CV
  • Marc Yamada, Department of Comparative Arts and Letters (Modern Japanese film and fiction; Interdisciplinary Hummanties)

Asian Languages


  • Dana Bourgerie, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Language Pedagogy)
  • Mathew Christensen, Director of the BYU Flagship Program (Cultural Literacy and Chinese Language Pedagogy)
  • David Honey, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Classical Chinese)
  • Rachel Liu Yu, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Chinese Reading Strategies)
  • Shu-Pei Wang, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Advanced Chinese; Language Pedagogy; Chinese News)


  • Steve Moody, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Japanese Sociolinguistics) 
  • Jack Stoneman, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Premodern Japanese) CV
  • Shinsuke Tsuchiya, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Japanese Sociolinguistics)
  • Paul Warnick, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Japanese language pedagogy)


  • Juno Baik, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Advance Korean Language, Business Korean)
  • Julie Dameron, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Korean Language Pedagogy, Online Korean Classes)

Asian History

  • Diana Duan, Department of History (Modern Chinese History; borderlands of China and mainland Southeast Asia, particularly in indigenous societies, economy and culture, cross-border communities, and environmental problems)
  • Jon Felt, Department of History (Premodern Chinese History: Early Imperial China, early geographic texts and Spatial History, Premodern Imperialism, Central Eurasian History, and World History)
  • Kirk Larsen, Department of History (Modern Korean history; History of Sino-Korean relations; Modern Chinese History, East Asian Foreign Relations, Imperialism, U.S.-East Asian Relations) 
  • Aaron Skabelund, Department of History (Modern Japanese History, WWII in the Pacific, Japan's Self Defense Forces, the social and cultural history of imperialism, animals, and the military)

Asian Political Science & International Relations

  • Robert Griffiths, Political Science Department (Chinese Government & Politics, US–China Relations) Public affairs Career Lecture
  • Joel Selway, Political Science Department (Thailand, Myanmar, Japan electoral reform. Civil war, riots, economic growth and public goods provision, and the design of democratic political institutions for ethnically-divided societies)
  • Darin Self, Political Science Department (Comparative Politics, Democracy and Authoritarianism; Southeast Asia including Indonesia)

Asian Anthropology

  • Jacob Hickman, Department of Anthropology (Hmong/Miao diaspora; Transnationalism, Migration, Diaspora; Millenarian religion and Revitalization movements; Moral beliefs, reasoning, and development; Personhood and Self; Ritual practice; Folk health beliefs and hybridity; Person-centered ethnography; Ethnic identity and Ethnonationalism; Thailand and Southeast Asia; China.)
  • Gregory A. Thompson, Department of Anthropology (Linguistic anthropology of education; conducts ethnographic research in elementary schools in Seoul, South Korea)

Asian Art, Music, & Performing Arts

  • Janalee Emmer, Director, BYU Museum of Art (MOA), (Asian Art History)
  • Jeremy Grimshaw, BYU School of Music (Southeast Asian Music, Director of Balinese Gamelan Percussion Orchestra)
  • Kimball Maw Jensen, Department of Theatre and Media Arts (Asian American racial identity; critical race theory, ethnic studies, digital media)
  • Stephen Jones, BYU School of Music, former Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communications at BYU (Reception of Western Classical Music in China)

Asian Psychology

  • Niwako Yamawaki, Department of Psychology (Cross-cultural analysis of sexism, stereotypes, and gender-role traditionality on individuals’ attitudes toward violence against women; stigma, discrimination, collectivism, on attitudes toward mental health services)

Asian Sociology

  • Jonathan Jarvis, Department of Sociology (Global Education, Cross-National Family, Asian Immigration, Korea)
  • Rick Miller, Department of Sociology (Families in China)
  • Scott Sanders, Department of Sociology (Rural Inequalities: Poverty, Rural Healthcare, Aging, Globalization and Labor)

Asian Philosophy & Religions

  • Richard McBride, Asian & Near Eastern Languages (Premodern Korean literature, history, and religion)
  • Gordy Mower, Philosophy Department (Chinese Philosophy, Non-Western Philosophy)
  • Greg Wilkinson, Department of Church History (New religious movements in Asia, contemporary uses of the Buddhist Canon, and modern pilgrimage in Japan)

Asian Economics & Business

  • Scott C. Bradford, Department of Economics (Japanese Economy, Political Economy, Migration, International Trade)
  • Bruce Money, Marriott School of Business (International business-to-business marketing, services, and negotiation; Japanese business practices)


**You can find out which classes any of these professors are planning to teach in a given semester by navigating to the BYU Class Schedule. Once there, click on "Advanced Search" and select "Instructor." Choose the name of any of the professors from the alphabetical drop down menu and then click "search." (You can search for future courses by selecting the appropriate semester).**

BYU Asian Studies Student Journal

BYU Asian Studies Student Journal (2007–present)

The BYU Asian Studies Student Journal contains student papers on a wide range of topics including history, politics, literature, culture, art and more. Electronic PDF copies of the latest issue and previous issues can be accessed through the above link. To view older issues, once you navigate to the journal's website, use the drop down menu at the left labeled "Select a Volume" to choose the issue you wish to view.

Information on Asian Clubs at BYU

BYU K-Pop Club

Instagram: @byukpopclub

Facebook: BYU K-pop Club


BYU Filipino Club

Instagram: @byufilipinoclub

Facebook: BYU Filipino Club


BYU South Asian Student Association

Instagram: @southasia21


Chinese Club

Instagram: @chineseclubbyu

Facebook: BYU Chinese Club


Chinese Students and Scholars Association

Instagram: @byucssa

Facebook: BYU CSSA (BYU Chinese Students and Scholars Association)


Hong Kong Student Association

Instagram: @hksa_byu

Facebook: BYU Hong Kong Student Association (HKSA)


Korean Student Association (KSA)

Instagram: @byu_ksa

Facebook: BYU KSA (Korean Student Association): 브리검영 대학교 한인 학생회


Japanese Student Association (JSA)

J-Kaiwa (Japanese Conversation and Culture Club)

Instagram: @byujsa

Facebook: BYU JSA


Taiwanese Student Association

Instagram: @byu_tsa

Facebook: BYU Taiwanese Student Association