This page contains information on all things Asian Studies at BYU, including: professors & programs, clubs & career plans, films & funding opportunities, and many other Asia-related resources found both within the library and elsewhere on campus.
David B. Honey, A History of Chinese Classical Scholarship, Volume I (2001). Three volumes of a projected five part series have been published.
Undergraduate Course Catalog Information:
Department of Asian & Near Eastern Languages
Class Schedule/Class Search You can use "advanced search" feature to search for particular professor by name to see which courses they teach.
Improve Your Reading Skills Through Extensive Reading
We have a growing collection of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, materials (including children's books and graphic novels). These materials are divided into different levels of difficulty. Level 0 is the most simple, Level 6 is native level.
The purpose of this collection is to help you find materials at your reading level that you can read widely without the aid of a dictionary. As your reading skills improve, you can move up to higher levels. These books are meant to be read onsite, but they can be checked out for 2 days.
The Asian Language Reading Shelves are located on Level 4 at the very front of the Asian Collection on wooden shelves.
International Cinema at BYU shows around 100 films each year from all parts of the world (including China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries). Many films are introduced with a lecture by BYU faculty. Click the link to access the current schedule.
The BYU Center for Language Study offers courses in a wide variety of less commonly taught Asian languages.
Director of Asian Studies
Asian Studies Librarian
Asian Literature & Film
Marc Yamada, Department of Comparative Arts and Letters (Modern Japanese film and fiction; Interdisciplinary Hummanties)
Asian Languages
Asian History
Asian Political Science & International Relations
Asian Anthropology
Asian Art, Music, & Performing Arts
Asian Psychology
Asian Sociology
Asian Philosophy & Religions
Asian Economics & Business
**You can find out which classes any of these professors are planning to teach in a given semester by navigating to the BYU Class Schedule. Once there, click on "Advanced Search" and select "Instructor." Choose the name of any of the professors from the alphabetical drop down menu and then click "search." (You can search for future courses by selecting the appropriate semester).**
BYU Asian Studies Student Journal (2007–present)
The BYU Asian Studies Student Journal contains student papers on a wide range of topics including history, politics, literature, culture, art and more. Electronic PDF copies of the latest issue and previous issues can be accessed through the above link. To view older issues, once you navigate to the journal's website, use the drop down menu at the left labeled "Select a Volume" to choose the issue you wish to view.
BYU K-Pop Club
BYU Filipino Club
Instagram: @byufilipinoclub
BYU South Asian Student Association
Instagram: @southasia21
Chinese Club
Instagram: @chineseclubbyu
Chinese Students and Scholars Association
Instagram: @byucssa
Facebook: BYU CSSA (BYU Chinese Students and Scholars Association)
Hong Kong Student Association
Instagram: @hksa_byu
Facebook: BYU Hong Kong Student Association (HKSA)
Korean Student Association (KSA)
Instagram: @byu_ksa
Facebook: BYU KSA (Korean Student Association): 브리검영 대학교 한인 학생회
Japanese Student Association (JSA)
J-Kaiwa (Japanese Conversation and Culture Club)
Instagram: @byujsa
Taiwanese Student Association
Instagram: @byu_tsa