This page provides links to translations and other scholarly resources centered on the three major works studied in this course: Rāmāyaṇa, The Tale of Genji, and Dream of the Red Mansions. Links to extensive video productions of Rāmāyaṇa and Dream are also provided.
Below you will also find contact information for the Asian Studies Librarian, Tim Davis. He is happy to help you find sources for any of your research projects and welcomes any questions you have about the library and its holdings in Asian Studies.
Ramayan (1987) Television Series with English Subtitles Youtube (78 Episodes, 30 minutes each) directed by Ramanand Sagar (1917–2005). This television series, which dramatizes the entire story of the Ramayana, is India's most watched television series of all time.
To identify additional scholarship on the Rāmāyaṇa click here.
Please note that there are also abridged versions of the translations by Royall Tyler and Edward Seidensticker. (Click on their names to see library catalog entries for the abridged versions.)
現代語訳源氏物語 [The Tale of Genji Translated into modern Japanese]. 3 vols. (Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha, 2003). Kubota Utsubo (Translator). Call Number: PL 788.4 .G43 K83x (Level 5)
To identify additional scholarship on the novel (Tale of Genji) held in the BYU library click here.
Honglou meng 紅樓夢 Dream of the Red Mansions (1987) Television Series with Chinese subtitles Youtube (36 Episodes, 45 minutes each)
Honglou meng 紅樓夢 Dream of the Red Mansions (2010) Television Series with English Subtitles Youtube (50 Episodes, 47 minutes each) directed by Li Shaohong 李少紅 (1955–).
The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Chinese Novel of the Early Ching Period (New York: Pantheon Books, 1958). Translated by Florence and Isabel McHugh from the German translation produced by Fanz Kuhn (Der Traum der Roten Kammer). Digital copy from Internet Archive.
The library has multiple copies of Honglou meng 紅樓夢 in the original Chinese. Please click this link for relevant library catalog records. All copies are shelved in the Asian Collection located on Level 4 of the library. Call Number: PL 2727 .S2.