Recommended Databases for Finding Scholarship on Linguistics
Chinese Grammar Made Easy: A Practical and Effective Guide for Teachers (Yale Univ. Press, 2009). eBook
Language Log University of Pennsylvania.
Posts filed by Victor Mair usually have a connection with Asia.
Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Chinese Linguistics
Publication Date: 2014 (eBook)
Oxford: Languages of East & Southeast Asia: An Introduction
Publication Date: 2005 (eBook)
The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy
Ebook also available through catalog title search
Publication Date: 1984
Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. Revised edition (2014). eBook
Writing Systems: An Introduction to their Linguistic Analysis (2003). eBook
The Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies contains a section titled "Languages and Linguistics."
International Journal of Chinese Linguistics (2018–present)
Journal of Chinese Linguistics
Click the link for electronic access. The most recent 3 years are only available in print. For the most recent issues, visit the Periodicals Reading Room on Level 2. Call number: PL 1001 .J68
PL 1009 .c55x
(Chinese Periodicals, Level 4)
Foreign Language Annals (
You will need to register for an account with NSSD (National Social Sciences Database) to access this journal.
当代语言学 Contemporary Linguistics
You will need to register for an account with NSSD (National Social Sciences Database) to access this journal.
Imre Galambos, Orthography of Early Chinese Writing: Evidence from Excavated Manuscripts (2009). Click the link to download.
Zusetsu Kanji no Rekishi 図説漢字の歴史 (An Illustrated History of Chinese Characters) (1989). Located in the Asian Quarto (oversize) section on Level 4.
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems (eBook). Physical copy is also available in Humanities Reference (HBLL 5th Floor). Call Number: Z 40 .C67 1996
The World's Writing Systems. Oxford University Press, 1996. Very good chapter on Chinese writing. (Located in Humanities Reference, HBLL Level 5)
H. Park, The Writing System of Scribe Zhou (2016). Regional variation in the early Chinese writing system.
In 2013, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China published a table of 8,105 standard characters.
Click here for access to the list:
通用規範漢字表 (Current Standard Chinese Character Chart)
Here is a Wikisource copy of the chart
Click here to download a PDF of the list (100 MB)
The list is divided into three tiers, the first 3,500 characters comprise the most common characters.
After the list of 8,105 characters you will find a comprehensive list of standard simplified characters compared with their traditional (繁體) forms.
Finally, there is also a second list of all 8,105 characters organized by the number of strokes in each character.
Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants
Enter a Chinese character to see the various ways the character has been written. You can also find a character by using the number of strokes in the "radical" to drill down to the appropriate graph.