Kongzi 孔子 or Confucius (ca. 551–479 BC)
Notable Translations:
Mengzi 孟子 or Mencius (ca. 372–289 BC)
Notable Translations:
Xunzi 荀子 (ca. 312–230 BC)
Notable Translations:
Dao de jing 道德經 (The Way and Its Power)
Notable Translations:
Zhuangzi 莊子 (The Writings of Master Zhuang)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Chand Hansen. (2014). "Zhuangzi"
Notable Translations:
Liezi 列子 (The Writings of Master Lie)
Legalist Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2018). "Legalism in Chinese Philosophy" (eBook)
Chinese Text Project: Legalism (digitized Chinese texts)
Han Feizi 韓非子 (d. 233 BC)
Notable Translations:
Gongsun Yang 公孫鞅 or Shang Yang 商鞅 (d. 338 BC)
Notable Translations:
Shen Buhai 申不害 (d. 337 BCE)
Notable Translations:
Chinese Thought: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science (Part 1) by Edward Slingerland (University of British Columbia). Create and account to view content for this free online course. The lectures are exceptionally good. The course covers Confucianism, Taoism, and Mohist Thought, and the early Chinese historical context for these ways of understanding the world.
The Path to Happiness: What Chinese Philosophy Teaches us about the Good Life Michel Puett (Harvard University). The course focuses on seven figures from this period in particular: Confucius, Mozi, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Xunzi, and Han Feizi.
For your Chinese to English, English to Chinese, and Chinese to Chinese dictionary needs, I recommend that you download the Pleco App to your device. There are many excellent features and dictionaries that can be purchased within the App. Including the dictionary by Paul W. Kroll described below.
Unabridged Dictionaries (Multiple Volumes)
Hanyu da cidian 汉语大词典 (Comprehensive Dictionary of Chinese Words)
Asian Reference PL 1420 .H26 1987 (12 vols.)
Hanyu da zidian 汉语大字典 (Comprehensive Dictionary of Chinese Characters)
Asian Reference PL 1420 .H26 1986 (10 vols.)
Dai Kanwa jiten 大漢和辞典 (Morohashi) Definitions in Japanese
Asian Reference PL 681.C5 M6 1966 (13 vols).
Zhongwen da cidian 中文大辭典 (Comprehensive Chinese Dictionary)
Asian Reference PL 1420 .C57 (40 vols).