Flower Fables. (1855). Boston: George W. Briggs.
- Call number: Vault Collection 813.41 F669b 1855
8 editions.
Hospital Sketches (1863). Boston: James Redpath.
- Call number: Vault Collection 813.41 H79r 1863 (inscribed copy); Alcott Collection PS 1017 .H67 1863.
15 editions.
The Rose Family: A fairy tale. (1864). Boston: James Redpath.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .R63 1864.
Note: Later published in the collection Morning-glories and other stories (1868).
Moods (1864). Boston: Loring.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .M67 1864; Vault Collection 813.41 M77 1865 (signed copy).
2 editions.
Morning-glories and other stories (1868). Boston: Horace B. Fuller.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .M74 1868.
2 editions.
Little Women (1868-69).
- Little Women or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1868.
Call number: Vault Collection 813.41 L729r 1868 pt. 1
- Little Women or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Part second. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1869.
Call number: Vault Collection 813.41 L729r 1869 pt. 2
Note: Part 2 issued under various titles (Good Wives, Little Wives, Little Women Married).
105 editions.
Three proverb stories (1868). Boston: Loring.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .T54 1868. Also published as Kitty’s class-day and other stories.
4 editions.
An Old-Fashioned Girl (1870). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .O43 1870.
Serialized in Merry’s museum for boys and girls, new series, 1870. Call number: Alcott Collection AP 200 .M5.
16 editions.
Little Men: life at Plumfield with Jo’s boys (1871). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .L4 1871
25 editions.
Aunt Jo’s Scrap-bag (6 volumes published between 1872-82). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Vol. 1: My boys. Vol. 2: Shawl-straps. Vol. 3: Cupid and Chow-chow. Vol. 4: My girls. Vol. 5: Jimmy’s cruise in the Pinafore. Vol. 6: An old-fashioned Thanksgiving.
Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .A9 1872
6 editions.
Work: a story of experience (1873). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .W6 1873
6 editions.
Beginning Again, being a continuation of “Work” (1875). London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, & Searle.
- Note: Alcott Collection copy is a later Toronto edition published in 1912.
Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .W6 1912
Eight Cousins, or, The Aunt-hill (1875). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .E44 1875
19 editions.
Silver Pitchers, and Independence: a centennial love story (1876). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .S5 1876
5 editions.
Rose in Bloom: a sequel to “Eight Cousins” (1876). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .R66 1876
14 editions.
A Modern Mephistopheles (1877). No name series. Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .M6 1877
5 editions.
Under the Lilacs (1878). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .U53 1878
Note: First serialized in St. Nicholas, Dec. 1877-Oct. 1878. Call number: Rare Book Collection PS 991 .A1 S75
16 editions.
Jack and Jill: a village story (1880). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .J33 1880
12 editions.
Spinning-wheel Stories (1884). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .S65 1884
2 editions.
Jo’s Boys and How They Turned Out: a sequel to “Little Men” (1886). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .J62 1886
28 editions.
Lulu’s library (3 vols., 1886-89). Boston: Robert Brothers.
- Call number: Alcott Collection PS 1017 .L8 1886-89
2 editions.
A Garland for Girls (1888). Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- Call number: Vault Collection 813.41 G183r 1888 (inscribed copy); Alcott Collection PS 1017 .G183r 1888
5 editions.