Students will:
The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for you to become familiar with the current conversation surrounding one specific identity issue within the field of dance and speak about it masterfully.
You will begin by formulating a research question based on personal interest or curiosity. Next, you will gather a body of at least 10 references from reputable sources, i.e. articles, books, newspaper articles, performances, interviews. You will summarize information presented within each resource. You will evaluate its merit, including acknowledging any author bias, research limitations, etc. Your research will be presented in an annotated bibliography. After this assignment has been completed and graded, you will write a 2-3 page Statement of Discovery, where you will summarize the conversation in whole, contextualize it within your personal worldview, and propose a course for further research or course of action.
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4432 HBLL - Level 4
Music & Dance Web Page
Hours: M-Th: 8am-9pm;
F: 8am-6pm; Sat:10am-6pm
Phone: (801) 422-1725