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Nursing: 2015

Faculty Publications from 2015

Ayres, H. B.*, Winters, B. A., & Nuttall, C. (2015). Age-appropriate post-reduction care of anterior shoulder dislocation.All Student Publications, paper 145.

Bainum, J.*, Luthy, K. E., Beckstrand, R. L., Macintosh, J. L., & Eden, L. M. (2015). Promoting adult pertussis vaccination in the workplace. All Student Publications, paper 141.

Beckstrand, R. L., Rohwer, J.*, Luthy, K. E., Macintosh, J. L., & Rasmussen, R. J. (2015). Rural emergency nurses’ end-of-life care obstacle experiences: Stories from the last frontier. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 43(1), 40-48.

Callister, L. C.^ (2015). WASH: Highlighting global water, sanitation, and hygiene initiatives. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 40(6), 398.

Chamberlain, A.*, Palmer, S. P., Williams, M., & Lassetter, J. H. (2015). Social disparities: Household income in poverty-stricken Ecuador affecting cognitive function in children. Annals of Global Health, 81(1), 217–218.

Collette-Merrill, K. (2015). NP bookshelf: Book review: Infection control for advanced practice professionals. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(1), e7.

Collette-Merrill, K., Andrews, D., Brewer, B. B., & Brown, D. S. (2015). Elevating research: An important role for nurse leaders. Nurse Leader, 13(3), 63–65.

Dyches, T. T., Christensen, R., Harper, J. M., Mandleco, B. L.^, & Roper, S. O. (2015). Respite care for single mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(3), 812-824.

Freeborn, D., & Francis, R. S.* (2015). A systematic approach in treating Post-Concussion Syndrome. All Student Publications, 140.

Heise, B. A., & Gilpin, L.* (2015). Nursing students’ clinical experience with death: A pilot study. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(2), 104-106.

Higa, L. A., McDonald, J., Himes, D. O., & Rothwell, E. (2015). Life experiences of individuals with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and disclosing outside the family: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Community Genetics, 7(1), 81-89.

Himes, D. O., Clayton, M., Donaldson, G., Ellington, L., Buys, S., & Kinney, A. (2015). Breast cancer risk perceptions among relatives of women with uninformative negative BRCA1/2 test results: The moderating effect of the amount of shared information. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 25(2),258-269.

Hunsaker, S., Chen, H. C., Maughan, D. M., & Heaston, S. (2015). Factors that influence the development of compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction in emergency department nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 186–194.

Leighton, K., Ravert, P., Mudra, V., & Macintosh, C. Updating the simulation effectiveness tool: Item modifications and reevaluation of psychometric properties. Nursing Education Perspectives. 35(5), 317-323.

Luthy, K. E., Burningham, J., Eden, L. M., Macintosh, J. L., & Beckstrand, R. L. (2015). Addressing parental vaccination questions in the school setting: An integrative literature review. The Journal of School Nursing, 32(2).

Luthy, K. E., David, R. M., Macintosh, J. L., Eden, L. M., & Beckstrand, R. L. (2015). Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Comparison of medication efficacy and cost. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(2), 226-232.

Luthy, K. E., Peterson, T. B.*, Macintosh, J. L., Eden, L. M., Beckstrand, R. L., & Wiley, N. H. (2015). Evaluation of vaccination policies among Utah pediatric clinic employees. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 30(3), 190-196.

Luthy, K. E., Thompson, K. E., Beckstrand, R. L., Macintosh, J. L., & Eden, L. M. (2015). Perception of safety, importance, and effectiveness of vaccinations among urban school employees in Utah. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 27(6), 313–320.

Macintosh, J. L., & Callister, L. C.^ (2015). Discovering self: Childbearing adolescents’ maternal identity. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 40(4), 243–248.

Madeo, J. M.*, & Winters, B. A. (2015). When stress causes a heart to break. All Student Publications, paper 139.

Merrill, K. C. (2015). Leadership style and patient safety: Implications for nurse managers. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(6), 319–324.

Mitchell, M.*, & Freeborn, D. (2015). Vitamin B12: Identification and treatment of deficiencies. All Student Publications, paper 146.

Najjar, R. H., Lyman, B., & Miehl, N. (2015). Nursing students’ experiences with high-fidelity simulation. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 12(1), 1-9.

Nuttall C., Winters, B. A. (2015). Understanding Anterior Knee Pain: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, (11)10, 1032-1035.

Peterson, N. E., Moss, K. O., Milbrath, G. R., von Gaudecker, J. R., Park, E., & Chung, M. (2015). Qualitative analysis of student perceptions of bachelor of science-to-doctor of philosophy in nursing programs. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(10), 542-549.

Peterson, N. E., Sirard, J. R., Kulbok, P. A., DeBoer, M. D., & Erickson, J. M. (2015). Validation of accelerometer thresholds and inclinometry for measurement of sedentary behavior in young adult university students. Research in Nursing & Health, 38(6), 492-499.

Radzyminski, S., & Callister, L. C.^ (2015). Health professionals’ attitudes and beliefs about breastfeeding. Journal of Perinatal Education, 24(2), 102–109.

Reed, S. J. (2015). Written debriefing: Evaluating the impact of the addition of a written component when debriefing simulations. Nurse Education in Practice, 15(6), 543-548.

Reed, S.J. & Edmunds, D. (2015). Use of a blog in an undergraduate nursing leadership course. Nurse Education in Practice, 15(6), 537-542.

Rizzolo, M. A., Durham, C. F., Ravert, P. K., & Jeffries, P. R. (2015). History and evolution of the NLN Jeffries simulation theory. In P. R. Jeffries (Ed.), The NLN Jeffries Simulation Theory (pp. 1–7). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Rosemann, J.*, Palichara, A.*, Rampton. T.*, Mandleco, B.^, Dyches, T., & Freeborn, D. (2015). Sibling Snapshots: Living with Youth who have Autism or Down Syndrome. International Journal of Integrative Pediatrics and Environmental Medicine, 2, 13-30.

Valentine, J., Mabey, L., & Miles, L. (2015). Neurobiology of trauma. In A.A. Amar & L.K. Sekula (Eds.), A practical guide to forensic nursing: Incorporating forensic principles into nursing practice (37-54). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau.​

Whitt, K. J., Hughes, M.*, Hopkins, E. S., & Maradiegue, A. (2015). The gene pool: The ethics of genetics in primary care. Annual Review of Nursing Research, (34)1, 119-154.

Whitt, K. J., Macri, C., O'Brien, T. J., & Wright, S. (2015). Improving nurse practitioners' competence with genetics: Effectiveness of an online course. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 28(3), 151-159.

Winters, B. A., & Natall, C. (2015). Evaluation and Management of Spinal Column Fractures in Adults. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, (11)10, 1043-1047. https:/

* Denotes BYU nursing student (BS or MS)

^ Denotes emeriti faculty member

BYU College of Nursing faculty authors are bolded