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Nursing: For Alumni

Nursing Alumni Guide

It's hard to lose access to the databases and journals you've been able to use while at BYU. This page provides some free resources and other tips for navigating the information landscape in nursing. 

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Betsy Hopkins
2317 HBLL and 561 KMBL

Free Primary Care Resources

Drug Information

Laboratory Tests

Guides to Free Resources

Alumni Privileges

Come to campus for access to most databases and journal full text. UpToDate is one exception; it requires a current BYU login. 

  • Use a guest computer or a guest login in the Harold B. Lee Library
  • Visit a different campus if you are moving away from Provo--many academic libraries also offer on-campus access to their online collections

Join the Friends of the Library to maintain checkout privileges. 

Scholarly Literature

Though these databases are free, article full text may not be available. Try Unpaywall for legal, free access to articles. 

AI Tools for Research

This is a rapidly changing area. Here are some tools to consider as you start to become familiar with AI research possibilities. 

Open Access

Open access resources are free to access without any subscription fees. There are:

  • open access journals, where all articles are free
  • selected open access articles in subscription journals
  • free versions of subscription articles, held in pre-print or institutional repositories
  • open access textbooks, sometimes called open educational resources

This area is growing and changing rapidly. Evaluate open access journals carefully, as some are considered predatory and unreliable. 

People Resources

Your hospital will have information resources. Look for a hospital library and hospital librarians!

Professional organizations will help you connect with other nurses in your field, and often provide information resources, too. 


The National Guideline Clearinghouse went offline in July 2018, and there are a couple of replacements in development. Both links below are free, but require registration to access clinical practice guideline summaries.

Evaluation Criteria

Consider using the CRAAP Test to evaluate sources.
