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Experience Design & Management: Citing Sources

Library resources available to support the Experience Design & Management program

APA Citing Samples for Marketing/Industry Reports

IBIS World 

Author last name, First initial. (year, month). Report title (Report number). IBIS World. 


Diment, D. (2019, December). Corporate wellness services (OD4621). IBISWorld.  

Mergent Intellect 

Mergent. (n.d.) Consumer Data [List of criteria included] [List of variables used] [Data set]. Retrieved Month, Day, Year from  


Author last name, First initial. (year, month). Report title (Report number, if available). Mintel. URL. 


Failla, J. (2020, April). Quick service restaurants - US. Mintel.  

Mintel Databook (No author)

Mintel. (2020, September). Perceptions of beauty across generations: Incl impact of COVID-19 - US - September 2020 (Interactive satabook: Beauty routine demographics). [Data set].

Simmons Insight 

Quick Reports 

MRI-Simmons. (survey year). Full name of survey used [Target/ variable you selected] [Type of report used, e.g. Segmentation, Demographic profile].  


MRI-Simmons. (2017). Spring 2018 NHCS adult study 12 month [Base/ Millennials] [Segmentation profile].  


MRI-Simmons. (survey year). Full name of survey used [List of variables included] [Data set].  


MRI-Simmons. (2017). Spring 2017 NHCS adult study 12 month [Cell phones / smartphones brands owned by consumer demographics - age, gender, household income] [Data set].  

Social Explorer 

Social Explorer. (survey year). Full name of survey [list of variables used] [Data set]. Source of data. URL  


Social Explorer. (2021). American Community Survey 2021 (5-Year Estimates) [Population density, median income] [Data set]. U.S. Census Bureau.  



APA Citation Style

APA Citation Style  - Used in Psychology, Education, and other Social Sciences including Business.  The Harold B. Lee Library doesn't subscribe to the online manual. The following websites contain samples of citations and in-text citations.

Chicago Citation Style


Once you find articles to use in your research paper, it is important to cite the source of the work you quote, paraphrase, or summarize. There are three main reasons:

  • To give credit to the people who created the original work
  • To tell people how to find the original source
  • To comply with copyright law
  • Documenting - Citing Resources

*There are several different styles for citing sources. Please consult with your instructors about their preferred style for your research paper. 

Avoid Plagiarism

(Taken from your Textbook, Writing & Speaking for Business)

Plagiarism is the attempt to pass off the ideas, research, theories, or words of others as one's own. Examples of plagiarism include:

Direct Plagiarism: The verbatim copying of an original source without acknowledging the source.

Paraphrased Plagiarism: The paraphrasing, without acknowledgment, of ideas from another that the reader might mistake for your own.

Plagiarism Mosaic: The borrowing of words, ideas, or data from an original source and blending this original material with one's own without acknowledging the source.

Insufficient Acknowledgment: The partial or incomplete attribution of words, ideas, or data from an original source.

Plagiarism may occur with respect to unpublished as well as published material. Acts of copying another student's work and submitting it as one's own individual work without proper attribution is a serious form of plagiarism.

"When in Doubt, Give Credit!" (Baker, 2007) 

This is a serious academic offense please click here to review BYU position on Plagiarism.

Your MCOM 320 professors use a program called "Turnitin", a worldwide standard in online plagiarism prevention. It allows instructors to digitally assess their students’ work to ensure that plagiarism is not taking place in the classroom.