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Experience Design & Management: ExDM416

Library resources available to support the Experience Design & Management program

Event Marketer Magazine

Market Research

Demographics and Spending


Psychographics refers to information about a specific population's attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria. You can use Marketing databases such as Mintel, RKMA, and Simmons to find psychographic information on your topic. 

You can also use business databases such as Statista, ProQuest One Business, and Business Source Ultimate. However, these resources are not as easy to find as marketing databases. Here are some search tips. 

For example: 

  • food AND psychograph* OR "buy* attitude*" OR "buy* behavior*" or "buy* belief*" 
  • food AND "consumer attitude" OR "consumer behavior" or "consumer belief*" OR "customer attitude" OR "customer behavior" OR "customer belief*" OR "purchase* attitude*" OR "purchase* behavior*" OR "purchase* belief*" OR "shopp* attitude*" OR "shopp* behavior*" OR "shopp* belief*"
  • food AND buyer* OR consumer* OR customer* OR purchaser* OR shopper* AND data OR research OR survey

For information about a particular demographic group, use

  • food  AND  AND "Generation Z
  • food AND Hispanic OR Latin