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Psychology: Home


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Jamie Hansen
1224 HBLL
(801) 422-3363

Popular Resources

These are regularly used resources on the Psychology Guide.

NOTICE: On January 7th EBSCO rolled out a complete redesign of their database interface.  As a result, things in APA PsycInfo (and all other EBSCO databases) will look completely different and advanced search features will be accessed in different ways.  Please email, call, or visit with a librarian for help in navigating these changes.

How to Use this Guide

The Psychology Guide helps you find academic resources and be more efficient in your research and writing. Each tab specializes on a particular area:

  • Find Articles: find scholarly journal articles and background information
  • Find Books: find books (both print and e-books)
  • Find Research Methods: find instructional books and videos about quantitative and qualitative methods.
  • Find Tests & Measures: find tests and measures in the social sciences
  • Find Statistics: find existing data sets and statistics 
  • Find Journal Metrics: find information relevant to journal publications such as impact factors and citation counts
  • Find Media: find media resources about psychology generally and psychological disorders, diagnoses, and therapy specifically
  • APA Style: find resources that explain APA formatting.

Feedback Welcome

Subject guides are works in progress.

If you want information added or clarified on this guide, please contact me. 

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