U.S. Statistics
The following links are US Government provided databases that give statistics on data collected by national surveys such as the US Census and other academic organizations regarding the United States and its citizens.
Other Statistics
The following databases cover a more wide range of topics such as religion, social sciences, environmental science, and US/international information polls that can be accessed through BYU. These can aid in providing statistics in a more specialized fields rather than based on country like the databases listed above.
International Statistics
The following databases provide resources and statistics on topics from population to government and technology that is searchable by country and provided by various international bodies such as the United Nations.
Use these resources to locate data sets from other scholars and organizations.
If you need to find storage space for your own data (e.g., to fulfill grant obligations), one option at BYU is HBLL’s ScholarsArchive (https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu.) ScholarsArchive is an open access research repository offering free, long-term storage space for research data. Contact scholarsarchive@byu.edu for more information.