Reference Works (5th floor, BYU Library, Humanities Reference area) – encyclopedias dictionaries, handbooks, and guidebooks, etc.Look on guides for recommendations of electronic and print reference sources. Some print reference sources:
Library Catalog (for check-out-able books, etc.)
When searching the library catalog, try “advanced search”, or (if you know the subject terms) use the “alphabetic search.” Here are SOME subject terms for Postcolonialism (be aware that in the library catalog the term still might appear hyphenated as “post-colonialism”; however, all the variant spellings have been combined into “postcolonialism” for subject searches):postcolonialism
Electronic Databases (scholarly articles, criticism, reviews, book chapters, biographies, etc.)
On the Web
Humanities Reference
Level 5
Hours: M-Th: 8am-9pm;
F: 8am-6pm; Sat:10am-6pm