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Juvenile Books in Foreign Languages: French Translations of English Books

Guide to juvenile books in the Lee Library written in French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian and other non-English languages.

French Translations of English Books

All call numbers are located in the Juvenile Collection.
This bibliography is not all-inclusive.

­­Updated: October 2008, Lauren Bangerter/November 2006, Gillian Streeter/September2003, Elizabeth Meyers

800 L712 no.14 fre 2007

Achebe, Chinua. Le monde s’effondre. 1972. (254 p.) trans. by Michel Ligny. (Things Fall Apart.)

813 AL27bo 1985fre

Alexander, Lloyd. Le Livre Des Trois. 1985. (283 p.). (The Book of Three)    

813 AL27b 1985fre

Alexander, Lloyd. Le Chaudron Noir. 1985. (252 p.). (The Black Cauldron)      

813 AL27we 1986fre

Alexander, Lloyd. La Princesse et le Charlatan. 1986. (276 p.). (Westmark)    

813 AL27to 1983fre

Alexander, Lloyd. La Princesse et le Charlatan. 1986. (276 p.). (Westmark)    

813 C192va 1992

Carle, Eric. La chenille affamée. 1992. (24 p.) (The Very Hungry Caterpillar.)

823 D759pa

Downie, Mary Alice. Acadien pour le bon. 1980. (64 p.) trans. by Jacques Loïc Lorioz. (A Proper Acadian.)

823 H185m

Hamilton, Mary. La malle double d’étain. 1980. (64 p.) trans. by Jacques Loïc Lorioz. (Tin-lined Trunk.)

821 L47oa

Lear, Edward. Le hibou et la poussiquette. 1961. (30 p.) trans. by Francis Steegmuller. (The Owl and the Pussy-cat.)

823 P85jfa

Potter, Beatrix. L’histoire de Monsieur Jérémie Peche-a-la-Ligne. 1984. (59 p.) trans. by M.A. James. (Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher.)

823 P85pa

Potter, Beatrix. (L’Histoire de Pierre Lapin.) 1985. (58 p.) trans. by Victorine Ballon & Julienne Profichet. (Tale of Peter Rabbit.)

823 R797h 1999f

Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter à l’école des sorciers. 1999. (232 p.) trans. by Jean-François Ménart. (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.)

823 R797hp1999fre

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter et la chamber des secrets. 1999. trans. by Jean-François Ménart. (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.)

823 R797hpr2005fre

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter et la prisonnier d’Azkaban. 1999. (465 p.) trans. by Jean-François Ménart. (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.)

823 R797hpg2007fre

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu. 2007. (775 p.) trans. by trans. by Jean-François Ménart. (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.)

823 R797hpo2003fre

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter et l’Ordre du Phénix. 2003. (975 p.) trans. by Jean-François Ménart. (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.)

823 R797hpr2005fre

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter et la Prince de sang-mêlé. 2005. (751 p.) trans. by Jean-François Ménart. (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.)

823 R797hpt2007fre

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort. 2007. (809 p.) trans. by Jean-François Ménart. (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.)

398.21 Sc77p

Scarry, Richard. Le Petit Chaperon rouge. 1979. (20 p.)

813 Se55wf

Sendak, Maurice. Max et les maximonstres, une histoire racontee et dessinee. 1967. (37 p.) (Where the Wild Things Are.)

Subject Guide

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Rachel Wadham
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Subjects: Education