Abbreviations are keyed to the standard epigraphical abbreviations as found in ♦ Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (SEG), PHI, or Claros. Guide numbers refer to ♦ Guide de l'Épigraphiste: bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales, ed. François Bérard and others. 4th edition. Paris 2010.
Click on ♦ to access the BYU Catalog description of the book.
Cabanes, L’Épire, see IEpir.App.
♦ Corpus cultus Cybelae Attidisque. Ed. M.J. Vermaseren. Leiden, 1977-1989 (Guide 1160)
I. Asia minor. 1987 -- II. Graeca atque insulae. 1982 -- III. Italia, Latium. 1977 -- IV. Italia – Aliae provinciae. 1978 -- V. Aegyptus, Africa, Hispania, Gallia et Britannia. 1986 -- VI. Germania, Raetia, etc. 1989 -- VII. Musea et collections privatae. 1977
Ancient Studies BL 820 .C8 V44
♦ Carmina epigraphica Graeca saeculorum VIII-V a. Chr. n.. Ed. P.A. Hansen. Berlin, 1983.
Ancient Studies CN 360 .C28 1983 vol.1
♦ Carmina epigraphica Graeca saeculi IV a.Chr.n.. Ed. P.A. Hansen. Berlin, 1989.
Ancient Studies CN 360 .C28 1983 vol.2
♦ Corpus epistularum latinarum papyris, tabulis, ostracis servatarum. Florence, 1992-2002. 3 volumes (Guide 1241)
Ancient Studies Quarto PA 6142 .C67 1992
Chastagnol, Sénat romain
♦ Le Sénat romain sous le règne d'Odoacre : recherches sur l'épigraphie du Colisée au Ve siècle. Ed. A. Chastagnol. Bonn, 1966 (Guide 675)
♦ Corpus hieroglyphicarum inscriptonum Cretae. Paris, 1996 (Guide 2064)
Ancient Studies P 1036 .C676 1996
♦ Chrestomathy of ancient Greek dialect inscriptions. Ed. A. Bartoňek; tr. N. Gachallová. Munich, 2015.
Ancient Studies CN 362 .B3713 2015
♦ Corpus der griechisch-christlichen Inschriften von Hellas : Inschriften von Peloponnes. Ed. N.A. Bees. Bd. I, Isthmos-Korinthos. Athens, 1941 (Guide 101)
Ancient Studies CN 380 .P4 B44 1978
Corpus inscriptionum atticarum. Ed. W. Dittenberger, A. Kirchhoff, J. Kirchner, U. Koehler. Berlin, 1873-1897. 3 v. in 9 (Guide 66). Later published as Inscriptiones Graecae vol. 1-3 (Guide 71, 77)
♦ Vol. 1. Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.1 (1 v. + Suppl.)
♦ Vol. 2. Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.2 (5 v.)
♦ Vol. 3, pt. 1-2. Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.3 pars 1-2
♦ Vol. 3, pt. 3. Appendix inscriptionum atticarum : defixionum tabellae. Ed. R. Wuensch. Berlin, 1897.
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.3 pars 3
CID = Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes
♦ CID 1. Rougemont, G. Lois sacrées et règlements religieux. 1977 (Guide 121.1)
Ancient Studies CN 385 .D44 C67 t.1
♦ CID 2. Bousquet, J. Les comptes du quatrième et du troisième siècle. 1989 (Guide 121.2)
Ancient Studies CN 385 .D44 C67 t.2
♦ CID 3. Bélis, A. Les hymnes à Apollon. 1992 (Guide 121.3)
Ancient Studies CN 385 .D44 C67 t.3
♦ CID 4. Lefèvre, F. Documents amphictioniques. 2002 (Guide 121.4)
Ancient Studies CN 385 .D44 C67 t.4
♦ CID 5. Mulliez, D. Les actes d'affranchissement. 2020-2023 (2 v.) (Guide Suppl. 10, 121.5)
Ancient Studies CN 385 .D44 C67 t.5
♦ Corpus inscriptionum Etruscarum. Leipzig, etc., 1893- (Guide 2551)
Ancient Studies Quarto PA 2400 .C67x
volumes 2:1:4, 2:1:4 Index, 3:1 only
Online copy of public domain volumes
See also ♦ Etruscan inscriptions from the collections of Olof August Danielsson : addenda to CIE II, I, 4. Ed. Charlotte Wikander & Örjan Wikander. 2003.
Ancient Studies CN 479 .W54 2003
♦ Corpus des inscriptions de la France médiévale (VIIIe-XIIIe s.). Paris, 1974- (Guide 2704)
Corpus inscriptionum graecarum (CIG). Berlin, 1828-1877. Ed. A. Boeckh, J. Franz, C. Curtius, A. Kirchhoff. 4 v. (Guide 65)
CIIP = Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae
♦ CII/P 1.1. Jerusalem. 1-704. 2010
Ebook. Click diamond for access (restricted to BYU students and employees)
♦ CII/P 1.2. Jerusalem. 705-1120. 2012
Ebook. Click diamond for access (restricted to BYU students and employees)
♦ CII/P 2. Caesarea and the middle coast. 1121-2160. 2011
Ebook. Click diamond for access (restricted to BYU students and employees)
♦ CII/P 3. South coast.. 2161-2648. 2011
Ebook. Click diamond for access (restricted to BYU students and employees)
♦ CII/P 4.2. Iudaea/Idumaea.. 3325-3978. 2018
Ebook. Click diamond for access (restricted to BYU students and employees)
CIIud. = Frey, J.B., Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum (Guide 1183)
♦ CIiud. I. Europe, Roma 1936 (1975 reprint with title Corpus of Jewish Inscriptions)
Ancient Studies CN 745 .F7 1975
CIJud I-II. 1936-1952. 2 volumes (Guide 1183)
On order for Ancient Studies 24 October 2023
CIL = Corpus inscriptionum latinarum. Berlin, 1863-
♦ CIL I. Inscriptiones Latinae antiquissimae ad C. Caesaris mortem. Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin, 1863 (Guide 515)
♦ CIL I². Inscriptiones Latinae antiquissimae ad C. Caesaris mortem. Editio altera. Berlin,1893-1986 (Guide 516)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.1 1893
Online copy of Pars I
Online copy of Pars II, fasc. 1-3
♦ CIL II. Inscriptiones Hispaniae Latinae. Ed. E. Hübner. Berlin, 1869-1892 (Guide 527)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.2
♦ CIL II². Inscriptiones Hispaniae Latinae. Edition altera. Ed. G. Alföldy and others, 1995- (Guide 529)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.2 1995
♦ CIL III. Inscriptiones Asiae, provinciarum Europae Graecarum, Illyrici Latinae. Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin, 1873-1902 (Guide 571)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.3
♦ CIL IV. Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae, Herculanenses, Stabianae. Berlin, 1871- (Guide 617)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.4
♦ CIL V. Inscriptiones Galliae Cisalpinae Latinae. Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin, 1872-1877 (Guide 624)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.5
♦ Corporis inscriptionum Latinarum supplementa Italica consilio et auctoritate Academiae regiae Lynceorum edita. Fasciculus I, Additamenta ad vol. V Galliae Cisalpinae, ed. Hector Pais. Roma, 1884 (Guide 625)
♦ CIL VI. Inscriptiones urbis Romae Latinae. Berlin, 1876- (Guide 658)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.6
See also
SupplIt Imagines♦ Roma 2. Musei vaticani, Antiquarium comunale del Cello. 2003.
Ancient Studies CN 530 .S9 R6 1999 vol.2
♦ Roma 3. Collezioni fiorentine. 2008.
Ancient Studies CN 530 .S9 R6 1999 vol.3
♦ CIL VII. Inscriptiones Britanniae Latinae. Ed. E. Hübner. Berlin, 1959 (Guide 706)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.7
♦ CIL VIII. Inscriptiones Africae Latinae. Ed. G. Wilmanns. Berlin, 1881-1959 (Guide 713)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.8
♦ CIL IX. Inscriptiones Calabriae, Apuliae, Samnii, Sabinorum, Piceni Latinae. Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin, 1883 (Guide 713)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.9
♦ CIL X. Inscriptiones Bruttiorum, Lucaniae, Campaniae, Sicilae, Sardinae Latinae. Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin, 1883 (Guide 804)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.10
♦ CIL XI. Inscriptiones Aemiliae, Etruriae, Umbriae Latinae. Ed. E. Bormannn. Berlin, 1888-1926 (Guide 838)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.11
♦ CIL XII. Inscriptiones Galliae Narbonensis Latinae. Ed. O. Hirschfeld. Berlin, 1888 (Guide 860)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.12
♦ CIL XIII. Inscriptiones trium Galliarum et Germaniarum Latinae. Ed. O. Hirschfeld and others. Berlin, 1899-1943 (Guide 882)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.13
♦ CIL XIV. Inscriptiones Latii veteris Latinae. Ed. H. Dessau. Berlin, 1887-1933 (Guide 928)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.14
See also SupplIt Imagines
♦ Latim Vetus 1. Latium Vetus praeter Ostiam. 2005.
Ancient Studies CN 530 .S9 L3 2005 vol.1
♦ CIL XV. Inscriptiones urbis Romae Latinae. Instrumentum domesticum. Ed. H. Dressel. Berlin, 1891-1975 (Guide 936)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.15
♦ CIL XVI. Diplomata militaria ex constitutionibus imperatorum de civitate et conubio militum veteranorumque expressa. Ed. T. Mommsen and H. Nesselhauf. Berlin, 1936-1955 (Guide 949)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.16
♦ CIL XVII. Miliaria imperii Romani. Berlin, 1986- (Guide 952)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.17
CIL. Auctarium
♦ CIL. Auctarium ser. nova, v. 1. Index numerorum : ein Findbuch zum Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum. By A. Fassbender. Berlin, 2003. 2 v. (Guide 507)
Ancient Studies CN 520 .C6 F37 2003
CILA = Corpus de inscripciones latinas de Andalucia. 1989- (Guide 541)
♦ CILA I. Huelva, d. J. González Fernández. 1989.
On order for Ancient Studies 23 January 2025
♦ CILA II. Sevilla, ed. J. González Fernández.
CILA II.1. Sevilla: La Vega (Hispalis). 1991.
Ancient Studies CN 675 .A53 C67 1989 vol.2 t.1
CILA II.2. Sevilla: La Vega (Italica). 1991.
Ancient Studies CN 675 .A53 C67 1989 vol.2 t.2
CILA II.3. Sevilla: La Campiña. 1996.
Ancient Studies CN 675 .A53 C67 1989 vol.2 t.3
CILA II.4. El Aljarafe, SIerra Norte, Sierra Sur. 1996
On order for Ancient Studies 23 January 2025
♦ CILA III. Jaén, ed. Cristóbal González Román y Julio Mangas Manjarrés. 1991. 2 v.
Ancient Studies CN 675 .A53 C67 1989 vol.3 t.1 [library doesn't have t.2]
♦ CILA IV. Granada, ed. M. Pastor Muñoz. 2002.
Ancient Studies CN 675 .A53 C67 1989 vol.4
♦ Corpus inscriptionum medii aevi Helvetiae, ed. C. Pfaff. Freiburg, 1977-1997. 5 v. + 5 v. of plates (Guide 892)
I. Die Inschriften des Kantons Wallis bis 1300, ed. Ch. Jörg. 1977 -- II. Die Inschriften der Kantone Freiburg, Genf, Jura, Neyenburg und Waadt, ed. Ch. Jörg. 1984 -- III. Die Inschriften der Kantone Aargau, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Land, Bern und Solothurn bis 1300, ed. W. Kettler. 1992 -- IV. Die Inschriften der Kantone Luzern, Unterwalden, Uri, Schwyz, Zug, Zürich, Schaffhausen, Thurgau, St. Gallen und des Fürstentums Liechtenstein bis 1300, und Nachtrage zu den Banden I-III, ed. W. Kettler, Ph. Kalbermatter. 1997 -- V. Le iscrizioni dei cantoni Ticino e Grigioni fino al 1300, ed. M. Bernasconi Reusser. 1997.
Ancient Studies CN 680 .C67 1977
♦ Corpus inscriptionum et monumentorum religionis Mithriacae. Ed. M.J. Vermaseren. The Hague, 1956-1960 (2 vol.) (Guide 1168)
Ancient Studies BL 1585 .V37 1956
♦ Corpus de inscricións romanas de Galicia. 1991- (Guide 546)
CIRG I. Provincia de A Coruña, ed. G. Pereira Menaut, G. Baños et al. 1991.
Ancient Studies CN 675 .G3 C67 1991 vol.1
CIRG II. Provincia de Pontevedra. Ed. G. Baños Rodríguez. 1994.
Ancient Studies CN 675 .G3 C67 1991 vol.2
♦ Corpus inscriptionum semiticarum. Paris, 1881- (Guide 2211)
Ancient Studies Folio PJ 3081 .C67x 1881
Celtic inscribed stone project (Guide 2644)
CIT = Corpus des inscriptions de Thasos. Athens, 2019-
♦ CIT 3. Documents publics du quatrième siècle et de l'époque hellénistique, ed. Patrice Hamon. 2019.
Ancient Studies CN 380 .T4 C67 2019 vol.3
♦ CIT 5. Documents publics d'époque romaine Ier s. av. J.-C. - IVe s. apr. J.-C., ed. Julien Fournier. 2023
Ancient Studies CN 380 .T4 C67 2019 vol.5
♦ Carmina Latina epigraphica, in Anthologia Latina. 1894-1930; reprint 1972-1973. 2 volumes in 5 (Guide 1221)
Ancient Studies PA 6102 .A5 1972
♦ Carmina latina epigraphica IV. Volumen 1, Carmina in provinciis reperta post Buechelerianam collectionem editam reperta cognita collegit, edidit, commentariolo instruxit Paolo Cugusi ; adiuvante Maria Teresa Sblendorio Cugusi. Berlin 2023.
Ancient Studies PA 6102 .A55 2023 vol.1
♦ Corpus monumentorum religionis dei Menis. Ed. E. Lane. Leiden, 1971-1978 (Guide 1161)
Ancient Studies BL 2290 .L35 1971
vol. 3 on order 6 December 2023
♦ Corpus of Mycenaean inscriptions from Knossos. Roma, 1986-1998. 4 v. (Guide 2066)
Ancient Studies Quarto P 1038 .C67 1986
♦ Corpus des ordonnances des Ptolémées. Ed. M.-Th. Lenger 2nd ed. Bruxelles, 1980 (Guide 1012)
Ancient Studies KL 2814.5 .C67 1964
Corinth = Corinth : results of excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Corinth 8.1. Greek inscriptions, 1896-1927. Ed. B.D. Meritt. Cambridge, Mass., 1931 (Guide 100.1)
Copy in JSTOR (authentication required)
♦ Corinth 8.2. Latin inscriptions, 1896-1926. Ed. A.B. West. Cambridge, Mass., 1931 (Guide 100.2)
Lee Stacks DF 261 .C65 A6 vol.8 pt.2
Copy in JSTOR (authentication required)
♦ Corinth 8.3. The inscriptions, 1926-1950. Ed. J.H. Kent. Cambridge, Mass., 1966 (Guide 100.3)
Lee Stacks DF 261 .C65 A6 vol.8 pt.3
Copy in JSTOR (authentication required)
♦ Corinth 18.6. The sanctuary of Demeter and Kore : the inscriptions, ed. R.S. Stroud. 2013 (Guide Suppl. 4, post 100)
Lee Stacks DF 261 .C65 A6 vol.18 pt.6
♦ Corinth 22. The Julian Basilica: architecture, sculpture, epigraphy, ed. P.D. Scotton, C. de Grazia Vanderpool, C. Roncalglia. 2022.
Lee Stacks DF 261 .C65 A6 vol.22
CPI (Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions)
See also online presentation.
♦ CPI 1.1. Greek bilingual, and trilingual inscriptions from Egypt. Alexandria and the Delta (nos. 1-206). Ed. Alan K. Bowman, Charles V. Crowther, Simon Hornblower, Rachel Mairs, and Kyriakos Savopoulos ; drawing on material originally collected by the late P.M. Fraser FBA. Oxford, 2021
Ancient Studies PJ 1521 .C67 2021|zpt.1 vol.1
CSIR = Corpus signorum imperii Romani = Corpus of sculpture of the Roman world
Corpus of sculpture from the ancient world, many of which include inscriptions.
♦ Deutschland. II, Germania superior. 2, Die grosse Iuppitersäule aus Mainz. Ed. G. Bauchhenss. Mainz, 1984 (Guide 918, 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 118 .G3 C67 Bd.2 pt.2
♦ Great Britain. I.1. Corbridge, Hadrian's Wall east of the North Tyne. Ed. E.J. Phillips. Oxford, 1977 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.1
♦ Great Britain. I.2. Bath and the rest of Wessex. Ed. B.W. Cunliffe, M.G. Fulford. Oxford, 1982 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.2
♦ Great Britain. I.3. Yorkshire, by Sergio Rinaldi. 1983 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.3
♦ Great Britain. I.4. Scotland. Ed. L.J.F. Keppie, B.J. Arnold. Oxford, 1974 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.4
Great Britain. I.5. Wales. Ed. Richard J. Brewer. Oxford, 1986 (Guide 1392)
On order for Ancient Studies 24 October 2023
♦ Great Britain I.6. Hadrian’s Wall West of the North Tyne, and Carlisle, by J C Coulston & E J Phillips 1998 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.6
♦ Great Britain. I.7. Roman sculpture from the Cotswold region with Devon and Cornwall. Ed. M. Henig. Oxford, 1993 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.7
♦ Great Britain I.8. Roman Sculpture from Eastern England, by Janet Huskinson. 1994 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.8
♦ Great Britain I.9. Roman Sculpture from the North West Midlands, by Martin Henig. 2004 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.9
♦ Great Britain I.10. Roman Sculpture from London and the South-East, by Penny Coombe, Francis Grew, Kevin Hayward & Martin Henig. 2015 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.10
♦ Great Britain I.11. The hinterland of Hadrian's wall and Derbyshire, by Lindsay Allason-Jones. 2023.
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.1 fasc.11
♦ Great Britain. II.1. Roman sculpture from Cyrenaica in the British Museum. Ed. J. Huskinson. Oxford, 1975 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.2 fasc.1
♦ Great Britain II.2. Catalogue of Roman sarcophagi in the British Museum, ed. Susan Walker. London 1990
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.2 fasc.2
♦ Great Britain III.1. The Lever and Hope sculptures: ancient sculptures in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight and a catalogue of the ancient sculptures formerly in the Hope Collection, London and Deepdene. Ed. G.B. Waywell. Berlin, 1986.
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.3 fasc.1
♦ Great Britain III.2. The Ince Blundell Collection of classical sculpture, 1. The portraits, 1. Introduction. The female portraits. Concordances. Ed. J Fejfer, E. Southworth. London 1991.
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.3 fasc.2
♦ Great Britain III.3. The Woburn Abbey Collection of classical antiquities, ed. E. Angelicoussis. Mainz 1992.
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.3 fasc.3
♦ Great Britain III.4. Antike Marmorskulpturen auf Schloss Broadlands (Hampshire), Mainz: von Zabern, 1994
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.3 fasc.4
♦ Great Britain III.7. Die antiken Skulpturen in Farnborough Hall sowie in Althorp House, Blenheim Palace, Lyme Park und Penrice Castle, Mainz: von Zabern, 1995
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.3 fasc.7
♦ Great Britain III.8. Die antiken Skulpturen in Chatsworth sowie in Dunham Massey und Withington Hall, Mainz: von Zabern, 1997
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.3 fasc.8
♦ Great Britain III.9 [duplicate numberr?]. The Ince Blundell Collection of classical sculpture, 1. The portraits, 2. The Roman male portraits, Ed.J. Fejfer. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1997.
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.3 fasc.9
♦ Great Britain III.9 [duplicate number?]. Die antiken Skulpturen in Petworth House (West Sussex), Mainz: von Zabern, 2000
Ancient Studies NB 115 .C65 vol.3 fasc.9b
♦ Österreich. II.3. Die Dienerinnen- und Dienerreliefs des Stadtgebietes von Virunum. Ed. G. Piccottini. Wien, 1977 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 118 .A9 C66 Bd.2 Fasc.3
♦ Tunisie proconsulaire. II, Byzacium.2, Les sculptures romaines de Sousse et des sites environnants :|bHergla, Henchir Zembra, Sidi Bou Ali, Chott Maria, Aïn Gassa, El Kenissia, Sidi el Hani, Ksiba, Kedime, Knaiss, Lemta, Ras Dimas. Ed. N. de Chaisemartin. Rome, 1987 (Guide 1392)
Ancient Studies NB 118 .T8 C67 1987 vol.2 pt.2
Cumont, Cinquantenaire
♦ Catalogue des sculptures & inscriptions antiques (monuments lapidaires) des Musées royaux du cinquantenaire, ed. F. Cumont. Bruxelles, 1913 (Guide 964)
Demetrias = Die Deutschen archäologischen Forschungen in Thessalien. Demetrias. Bonn, 1987 (not in Guide)
♦ Demetrias V
Locked Case DF 261 .D36 D45 vol.5
Didyma Suppl. Inschriften von Didyma : Supplement. Ed. Wolfgang Günther. Berlin, 2023 (Didyma III, 7) (Guide 295 = Didyma II, original volume)
On order for Ancient Studies 16 February 2024
Diehl, see ILCV
♦ The excavations at Dura-Europos conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters : preliminary report. New Haven, 1929-1952 (Guide 439)
Lee Stacks DS 99 .D8 Y2 (BYU has vol. 4 only)
Durrbach, Choix, see I.Delos
Duvall, Loca sanctorum
♦ Loca sanctorum Africae : le culte des martyrs en Afrique du IVe au VIIe siècle. Ed. Y. Duval. Rome, 1982. 2 vol. (Guide 718)
Ancient Studies BR 1608 .A355 D86 1982