Abbreviations are keyed to the standard epigraphical abbreviations as found in ♦ Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (SEG), PHI, or Claros. Guide numbers refer to ♦ Guide de l'Épigraphiste: bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales, ed. François Bérard and others. 4th edition. Paris 2010.
Click on ♦ to access the BYU Catalog description of the book.
IG = Inscriptiones Graecae. Berlin, 1903- (Guide 71-72)
Click here for a digital edition of many of the inscriptions in IG and here for a concordance between IG and SEG.
♦ IG 1. Inscriptiones Atticae anno Euclidis vetustiores. Ed. A. Kirchoff. Berlin, 1903.
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.1
Copy at Hathi Trust.
♦ IG1, 2nd ed. Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores. Ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin, 1924.
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I62 vol.1
♦ IG 1, 3rd ed. Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores. Various editors. Berlin, 1981-1998. 3 v. (Guide 75)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I64 vol.1
♦ IG 2. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora. Ed. U. Koehler. Berlin, 1903. Previously published as Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum v. 2, pt. 1-4 and supplement (Guide 71)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.2
Copy of pt. 3 in Hathi Trust.
Copy of pt. 4 in Hathi Trust.
Copy of pt. 5 (supplement) in Google Books.
Copy of pt. 5 (supplement) in Hathi Trust.
♦ IG 3. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis Romanae. Ed. G. Dittenberger. Berlin, 1903. Previously published as Corpus inscriptionum Atticarum, v.3, pt. 1-2, and Appendix (Guide 66, 77 [appendix])
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.3
Copy of pt. 3 Appendix in Hathi Trust.
♦ IG 1/3, 2nd ed. Addenda. Inscriptiones Atticae : supplementum inscriptionum Atticarum. Ed. Al. N. Oikonomides. Chicago, 1976- 7+ v. (Guide 80)
Ancient Studies CN 360 .I62 vol.1-3 suppl.1-2, 5-6 (3-4 on order for Ancient Studies, January 2015)
♦ Vol. 7. Dedications from the Athenian Akropololis. ed. A.E. Raubitschek and L.H. Jefferey. 1999 (Guide 80.7, 1150)
Ancient Studies CN 360 .I62 vol.1-3 suppl.7
♦ IG 2/3, 2nd ed. Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Various editors. Berlin, 1913-
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I62 vol.2/3
Copy of pt. 1 at Hathi Trust.
Copy of pt. 4, fasc. 1 at Hathi Trust.
♦ IG 2/3, 3rd ed. Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Various editors. Berlin, 2012- (Guide 76)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I64 vol.2/3
♦ IG 4. Inscriptiones Argolidis. Ed. M. Fraenkel. Berlin, 1902 (Guide 98). Previously published as Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum Peloponnesi et insularum vicinarum, v.1 (Guide 67)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.4
Online copy (Inscriptiones Graecae v. 4)
Online copy (Corpus inscriptionum graecarum Peloponnesi et insularum vicinarum v. 1)
♦ IG 4, 2nd ed. Inscriptiones Argolidis. Ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin, 1929- (Guide 99)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I62 vol.4
♦ IG 5. Inscriptiones Laconiae, Messeniae, Arcadiae. Ed. W. Kolbe, F. Hiller von Gaertringen. Berlin, 1913. 2 v. (Guide 106-107)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.5
IG 6 (Elis, Achaea, not published)
♦ IG 7. Inscriptiones Megaridis et Boeotiae. Ed. G. Dittenberger. Berlin, 1903 (Guide 115). Previously published as Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum Graeciae septentrionalis, v. 1 (Guide 68)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.7
IG 8 (Delphi, not published)
♦ IG 9. Inscriptiones Graeciae septentrionalis voluminibus VII et VIII non comprehensae. Ed. G. Dittenberger, O. Kern. Berlin, 1897-1903 IGuide 123, 125). Pt 1 previously published as Corpus inscriptionum graecarum Graeciae septentrionalis, v.3, fasc. 1 (Guide 68)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.9
Copy of pt. 1 at Hathi Trust.
Copy of pt. 2 in Google Books.
♦ IG 9, 2nd ed. Inscriptiones Graeciae Septentrionalis voluminibus VII et VIII non comprehensae. Various editors. Berlin, 1932- (Guide 124)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I62 vol.9
♦ IG 10. Inscriptiones Graecae Epiri, Macedoniae, Thraciae, Scythiae. Various editors. Berlin, 1972- (Guide 133)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.10
♦ IG 11. Inscriptiones Deli. Various editors. Berlin, 1912-1927 (Guide 177-179)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.11
Copy of fasc. 2 in Hathi Trust.
♦ IG 12. Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum. Various editors. Berlin, 1895- (Guide 186, 195, 197, 210, 213, 216-217, 223, 225). Fasc. 1-3 originally published as Inscriptiones Graecae Insularum Maris Aegaei (Guide 69)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.12
Copy of fasc. 1 in Google Books.
Copy of fasc. 2 in Google Books.
Copy of fasc. 1-2 in Hathi Trust.
Copy of fasc. 3 Suppl. in Google Books.
Copy of fasc. 3 Suppl. in Hathi Trust. Another copy in Hathi Trust.
IG 13 (Crete, not published)
♦ IG 14. Inscriptiones Italiae et Siciliae. Ed. G. Kaibel, with Galliae inscriptiones ed. A. Lebègue. Berlin, 1903 (Guide 229). Previously published as Inscriptiones Graecae Siciliae et Italiae additis Graecis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, Germaniae inscriptionibus (Guide 70)
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.12 and vol.12 appendix.
Copy at Internet Archive.
Copy in Google Books.
Copy in Hathi Trust.
♦ IG 15. Inscriptiones Cypri. Various editors. Berlin, 2020-
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 vol.15
♦ IG Supplement. Inscriptiones Graecae antiquissimae praeter Atticas in Attica repertas. Ed. H. Roehl. Berlin, 1882.
Ancient Studies Quarto CN 360 .I6 Suppl.
Copy in Hathi Trust.
♦ Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, ed. G. Mihailov. 1958-1997 (5 volumes in 6) (Guide 157)
Ancient Studies CN 398 .B8 M52 v. 1-3, 5 (v. 1 = ♦ 2nd edition)
IGC or IGCh (See also Scheibelreiter, Stifterinschriften)
♦ Recueil des inscriptions grecques-chrétiennes d'Asie mineure. Ed. H. Grégoire. Paris, 1922 (reprint Amsterdam 1968). Only one fascicle published. (Guide 423)
Ancient Studies CN 410 .G72 1968 fasc.1
♦ Recueil des inscriptions grecques-chrétiennes d'Égypte. Ed. G. Lefebvre. Cairo, 1907 (Guide 490)
Ancient Studies CN 440 .I6 vol.5
IGDGG = Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Grande Grèce, ed. L. Dubois, 1995-2002 (Guide 240)
♦ IGDGG 1. Colonies eubéennes, Colonies ioniennes, Emporia. 1995
Ancient Studies CN 393 .M3 D83 1995 t.1
♦ IGDGG 2. Colonies achéennes. 2002
Ancient Studies CN 393 .M3 D83 1995 t.2
♦ Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. Ed. L. Dubois. Paris-Rome, 1989-2008 (Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome 119). 2 v. (Guide 236)
Ancient Studies CN 393.S5 D82x 1989
♦ Inscriptions grecques de la France. Ed. J.-C. Decourt. Lyon, 2004 (Guide 242)
Ancient Studies CN 945 .D43 2004
Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. Paris, Beyrouth, 1912-
Copy at Persée (all volumes posted online one year after print publication)
Website of IGLS program
♦ Catalogue des inscriptions grecques du Musée National de Varsovie. By A. Łajtar, A. Twardecki ; tr. K. Bartkiewicz. Warsaw, 2003 (Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplements; vol. 2)
Ancient Studies K 10 .O8719 vol.2
Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas pertinentes. Ed. R. Cagnat and others. Paris, 1901-1927 (reprints Rome, 1964 and Chicago, 1975) (Guide 1015)
♦ 1964 reprint
Ancient Studies DG 13 .I57 1964
♦ 1975 reprint
Lee Stacks DG 13 .I57 1975
Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien. Bonn, 1972- (Guide 258)
♦ IGSK 1-2, see I.Erythrai
♦ IGSK 3, see I.Ilion
♦ IGSK 4, see I.Assos
♦ IGSK 5, see I.Kyme
♦ IGSK 6, see I.Lampsakos
♦ IGSK 7. Bithynische Studien = Bithynia incelemeleri : (deutsch-türkisch). By S. Şahin. Bonn, 1978 (Guide 258) (Replaced by I.Iznik, IGSK 9-10)
Ancient Studies CN 415 .B58 S34x 1978
♦ IGSK 8, see I.Magnesia am Sypilos
♦ IGSK 9-10, see I.Iznik
♦ IGSK 11-17, see I.Ephesos
♦ IGSK 18, see I.Kyz.
♦ IGSK 19, see I.Sestos
♦ IGSK 20, see I.Kalchedon
♦ IGSK 21-22, see I.Stratonikeia
♦ IGSK 23-24, see I.Smyrna
♦ IGSK 25, see I.Parion
♦ IGSK 26, see I.Kyz.
♦ IGSK 27, see I.Prusias
♦ IGSK 28, see I.Iasos
♦ IGSK 29, see I.Kios
♦ IGSK 30, see I.Keramos
♦ IGSK 31, see I.Klaudiupolis
♦ IGSK 32, see I.Apameia und Pylai
♦ IGSK 33, see I.Hadrianoi
♦ IGSK 34-35, see I.Mylasa
♦ IGSK 36, see I.Tralleis und Nyssa
♦ IGSK 37, see I.Selge
♦ IGSK 38, see I.Rhod.Per.
♦ IGSK 39-40, see I.Prusa
♦ IGSK 41, see I.Knidos
IGSK 42, never published
♦ IGSK 43-44, see I.Side
IGSK 45-46, never published
♦ IGSK 47, see I.Heraclea Pontica
♦ IGSK 48, see I.Arykanda
♦ IGSK 49, see I.Laodikeia am Lykos
♦ IGSK 50-51, see I.Adramytteion
♦ IGSK 52, see Strubbe, Arai Epitymbioi
♦ IGSK 53, see I.Alexandreia Troas
♦ IGSK 54, see I.Perge
♦ IGSK 55, see I.Tyana
♦ IGSK 56, see I.Anazarbos
♦ IGSK 57, see I.Pisid.Cent.
♦ IGSK 58, see I.Byzantion
♦ IGSK 59. Greeks and Romans in imperial Asia : mixed language inscriptions and linguistic evidence for cultural interaction until the end of AD III. Ed. R.A. Kearsley and T.V. Evans (Guide 1496)
Ancient Studies CN 415 .A8 G74 2001
♦ IGSK 60, see I.Kibyra
♦ IGSK 61, see I.Perge
♦ IGSK 62, see I.Sultan Daği
♦ IGSK 63, see I.Metropolis
♦ IGSK 64, see I.Sinope
♦ IGSK 65, see I.Estremo Oriente
♦ IGSK 66, see I.Pessinous
♦ IGSK 67, see Nouv.inscr.d'Antioche
♦ IGSK 68, see I.Stratonikeia
♦ IGSK 69, see I.Priene²
♦ Inscriptiones Graecae urbis Romae. Ed. L. Moretti. Rome, 1968-1990 (Guide 230)
Ancient Studies DG 211 .M63 1968