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Epigraphy: I.Sagalassos-IvO

Epigraphical Publications in the BYU Collection (I.Sagalassos-IvP)

Abbreviations are keyed to the standard epigraphical abbreviations as found in Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (SEG), PHI, or Claros. Guide numbers refer to Guide de l'Épigraphiste: bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales, ed. François Bérard and others. 4th edition. Paris 2010.

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 Die Inschriften von Sagalassos. Ed. A. Eich, P. Eich, W. Eck. Bonn, 2018. 1+ v. (IK 70)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .S25  I573 2018 T.1


 The inscriptions on stone. Ed. P.M. Fraser. New York, 1960 (vol. 2 pt. 1 of Samothrace: excavations conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University) (Guide 219)

Lee Stacks Quarto DF 261 .S3 L38 vol.2 pt.1


 Die Römischen Steindenkmäler von Savaria. Ed. L. Balla, T.P. Boucz, Z. Kádár, A. Mócsy, T. Szentléleky. Budapest, 1971 (Guide 597)

Ancient Studies DB 879 .S94 R6 1971


Inscriptiones Scythiae minoris Graecae et Latinae = Inscriptiile din scythia minor grecesti si latine. Bucuresti, 1980- (1-3, 5-6 volumes at least) (Guide 165)

v. 2 on order for Ancient Studies 23 October 2023.


Iscrizioni di Cos. Ed. M. Segre. Rome, 1993-2007 (Monografie della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente 6) (Guide 203)

Ancient Studies Quarto CN 380 .K67 S44 1993 (Volume 1, in 2 parts)

Ancient Studies Quarto CN 380 .K67 S44 2007 (Volume 2)


Moretti, L., Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche. 1967-2002 (Guide 998-999)

ISE I. Attica, Peloponneso, Beozia, Firenze, 1967.

Ancient Studies CN 360 .I83 pt.1

ISE II. Grecia centrale e settentrionale, Firenze. 1976

Ancient Studies CN 360 .I83 pt.2

ISE III. Canali de Rossi, F., Decreti per ambasciatori greci al senato, Roma, 2002, 2nd ed. 2008.

Ancient Studies CN3 60 .I83 pt.3 2008


Die Inschriften von Selge. Ed. J. Nollé and F. Schindler. Bonn, 1991 (IGSK 37) (Guide 399)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .S43 I57 1991


Die Inschriften von Sestos und der thrakischen Chersones. Ed. J. Krauss. Bonn, 1980 (IGSK 19) (Guide 153)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .S47 I57 1980


Inscriptiones Siciliae



Side im Altertum. Ed. J. Nollé. Bonn, 1993- (IGSK 43-44) (Guide 410)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .S53 N65 1993


The inscriptions of Sinope. Ed. D.H. French. Bonn, 2004- (IGSK 64) (Guide 384)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .S56 I57 2004


Die Inschriften von Smyrna. Ed. G. Petzl. Bonn, 1982-1990 (IGSK 23-24) (Guide 270)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .I94 I57 1982

I.Smyrna Graffiti

Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna. R. Bagnall, R. Casagrande-Kim, A. Ersoy, C. Tanriver, B. Yolaçan, New York, 2016.

Ancient Studies CN 415 .I94 G73 2016


Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia. Ed. M.Ç. Ṣahin. Bonn, 1981- (IGSK 21-22, 68) (Guide 319)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .E83 I57 1981

I.Sultan Daği

The inscriptions of the Sultan Daği. Ed. L Jonnes. Bonn, 2002 (ISGK 62) (Guide 363)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .P4 I57 2002


Inscriptions grecques et latines des tombeaux des rois ou syringes. Ed. J. Baillet. Cairo 1926 (Mémoires publiés par les membres de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire 42) (Guide 474)

Ancient Studies Quarto DT 57 .F8 vol.42


Epigraphische Forschungen in Termessos und seinem Territorium. Vienna, 1991-2007. 4 v. (Guide 397)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .T47 E65 1991


I.Thess. I. Decourt, J.-C., Inscriptions de Thessalie. Les cités de la vallée de l'Énipeus, París 1995 (Études épigraphiques 3)

Ancient Studies CN 360 .E8 vol.3

Online copy


Inscriptions from Thessaly : an analytical handlist and bibliography. Ed. A.S. McDevitt. Hildesheim, 1970.

Lee Stacks CN 380 .T47 M3

I.Tralleis und Nysa

Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa. Ed. F.B. Poljakov (T.1); ed. W. Blümel (T.2). Bonn, 1989-2019. 2 volumes. (IGSK 36) (Guide 307)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .T68 I57 1989


Tyana : archäologisch-historische Untersuchungen zum südwestlichen Kappadokien. Ed. D. Berges and J. Nollé. Bonn, 2000 (IGSK 55) (Guide 391)

Ancient Studies CN 415 .T93 B47 2000

I.Varsovie, see IGMus.Vars.


Die Inschriften von Olympia. Ed. W. Dittenberger and K. Purgold. Berlin, 1896 (Guide 110)

Copy at University of Heidelberg

Copy at Hathi Trust (see volume 5)


Neue Inschriften von Olympia : die ab 1896 veröffentlichten Texte. Ed. P. Siewert and H. Taeuber.  Vienna 2013 (Guide 111bis)

Ancient Studies CN 380 .O5 N494 2013

Online copy

IvP, see I.Pergamon

I.Wadi Haggag

The inscriptions of Wadi Haggag, Sinai. Ed. A. Negev. Jerusalem 1977 (Guide 454)

Ancient Studies CN 753 .E3 N43 1977