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Papyrology: P.Fam.Tebt.-P.FuadUniv.

Resources for research in papyrology in the Lee Library and elsewhere

Papyrus Publications in the BYU Collection (Checklist P.Fam.Tebt.-P.FuadUniv.)

Abbreviations are keyed to the standard Papyrological abbreviations in Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablets (with post-2012 updates here) and the Checklist of Arabic Documents.

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A Family Archive from Tebtunis, ed. B.A. van Groningen. Leiden 1950. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. VI)

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3301 .P34 vol.6

Online copy


A Family Archive from Thebes, ed. M. El-Amir. Cairo, 1959.

Ancient Studies PJ 1107 .A65x 1959


Fayum Towns and their Papyri, ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt and D.G. Hogarth. London, 1900.

Ancient Studies PA 3315 .F3

Online copy


Coptic Manuscripts Brought from the Fayyum by W.M. Flinders Petrie, Esq., D.C.L., Together with a Papyrus in the Bodleian Library, ed. W.E. Crum. London 1893.

Copy in Internet Archive or University of Chicago.


Coptic Manuscripts Brought from the Hommes et villages du Fayyoum dans la documentation papyrologique arabe (Xe-XIe siècles), ed. C. Gaubert and J.-M. Mouton, Geneva 2014 (Hautes études orientales - Moyen et Proche-Orient 6, 52)

Ancient Studies DT 69.5 .G38 2014


Papiri greco-egizii, Papiri Fiorentini (Supplementi Filologico-Storici ai Monumenti Antichi). Milan.

I, Documenti pubblici e privati dell'età romana e bizantina, ed. G. Vitelli. 1906.
II, Papiri letterari ed epistolari, ed. D. Comparetti. 1908—1910.
III, Documenti e testi letterari dell'età romana e bizantina, ed. G. Vitelli. 1915

Online copy


Description of the Greek Papyri in the British Museum. Part I, by J. Forshall. London, 1839.

Online copy


P.Fouad I. Les Papyrus Fouad I, ed. A. Bataille, O. Guéraud, P. Jouguet, N. Lewis, H. Marrou, J. Scherer and W.G. Waddell. Cairo, 1939.

Ancient Studies Quarto PA 3303 .P37 1939

 Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3303 .P37 1939

P.Fouad II. Documentary Papyri from the Fouad Collection at the Institut Français dʼArchéologie Orientale (P.Fouad II 90–100), ed. M.G. Elmaghrabi. Cairo 2024

Ancient Studies Quarto PA 3303 .P37 1939 vol.2

P.Fouad Astr.

Conformément aux observations d'Hipparque : le Papyrus Fouad inv. 267A, ed. J.-L. Fournet, A. Tihon. Louvain-la-Neuve 2014 (Publications de l'Institut orientaliste de Louvain 67)

Ancient Studies QB 21 .F697 2014


Griechische Papyri aus dem Besitz des Rechtswissenschaftlichen Seminars der Universität Frankfurt, ed. H. Lewald. Heidelberg, 1920.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3308 .L49x 1920

Online copy


Greek and Coptic Papyri in the Freer Gallery of Art, ed. L.S.B. MacCoull. Diss. Washington D.C. 1973.

Ancient Studies PA 3305 .F74 M33 1973

P.Freib. (Mitteilungen aus der Freiburger Papyrussammlung)

P.Freib. I, Literarische Stücke, ed. W. Aly. Ptolemäische Kleruchenurkunde, ed. M. Gelzer. Heidelberg, 1914.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3308 .F74 no.1

Online copy

P.Freib. II, Juristische Texte der römischen Zeit, ed. J. Partsch. Heidelberg, 1916.

Ancient Studies PA 3308 .F74 no.2 [1974 reprint]

 Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3308 .F74 no.2

Online copy

P.Freib. III, Juristische Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit, ed. J. Partsch. Heidelberg, 1927.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3308 .F74 no.3

Online copy

P.Freib. IV, Griechische und demotische Papyri der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg, ed. R.W. Daniel, M. Gronewald, H.-J. Thissen. Bonn, 1986.

Ancient Studies PA 3301 .P38 Bd.38

P.FuadUniv. (or P.FuadCrawford)

Fuad I University Papyri, ed. D.S. Crawford. Alexandria, 1949.

Ancient Studies PA 3303 .F8 1949

 Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3303 .F8 1949