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Papyrology: T.Bloomberg-UPZ

Resources for research in papyrology in the Lee Library and elsewhere

Papyrus Publications in the BYU Collection (Checklist T.Bloomberg-UPZ)

Abbreviations are keyed to the standard Papyrological abbreviations in Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablets (with post-2012 updates here) and the Checklist of Arabic Documents.

Click on to access the BYU Catalog description of the book.


Roman London’s first voices : writing tablets from the Bloomberg excavations, 2010–14, ed. R.S.O. Tomlin. London 2016.

Ancient Studies CN 595 .L7 T66 2016


Tabulae Herculanenses, ed. G. Camodeca. Roma 2017- 1+ v.

Ancient Studies CN 537 .H47 C36 2017


Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV Supplementum. Pars I, Tabulae ceratae Pompeiis repertae annis MCCCLXXV et MCCCLXXXVII, ed. K. Zangemeister. Berlin, 1898.

Ancient Studies Quarto CN 520 .C6 vol.4 Suppl. pt.1

Online copy


The Knossos tablets. 6th ed., ed. J.L. Melena. Philadelphia, 2019.

Ancient Studies P 1038 .K56 2019


Demotische Texte aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin, ed. Georg Möller. Leipzig 1913.

Ancient Studies Quarto PJ 1811 .B4 1913 vol.1

Online copy

T.Mom.Louvre  = "Catalogue des étiquettes de momies du Musée du Louvre," ed. F. Baratte and B. Boyaval. Lille 1974—1981. Pt. 1, nos. 1—259 (CRIPEL 2, 1974); pt. 2, nos. 260—688 (CRIPEL 3, 1975); pt. 3, nos. 689—999 (CRIPEL 4, 1976); pt. 4, nos. 1000—1209 and indexes (CRIPEL 5, 1979); corrigenda (CRIPEL 6, 1981).

CRIPEL I-VI Études sur l’Égypte et le Soudan anciens. Lille and Paris (Éditions Universitaires) 1973-1981.

Ancient Studies DT 57.5 .E88 no.2-6


Tavolette lignee e cerate da varie collezioni, ed. R. Pintaudi, P.J. Sijpesteijn et al. Florence 1989. (Pap.Flor. XVIII)

Ancient Studies Z 110 .T2 T38 1989


T.Vindol. I, Vindolanda: the Latin Writing Tablets, ed. A.K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas. London, 1983.

Ancient Studies CN 595 .V56 vol.1

T.Vindol. II, The Vindolanda writing-tablets, ed. A.K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas, with contributions by J.N. Adams. London 1994.

Ancient Studies CN 595 .V56 vol.2

T.Vindol. III, The Vindolanda writing-tablets, ed. A. K. Bowman and J. D. Thomas with contributions by J. Pearce. London, 2003.

Ancient Studies CN 595 .V56 vol.3

T.Vindol. IV, ed. A.K. Bowman, J.D. Thomas and R.S.O. Tomlin. Pt. 1: Britannia 41 (2010) 187–224. Nos. 854–869. Pt. 2: Britannia 42 (2011) 113–144. Nos. 870–889.

Lee Stacks DA 10 .B73 vol. 41 & 42 (also available online, see catalog record for access)

See also the online presentation of the tablets at


Die römischen Schreibtafeln von Vindonissa, ed. M.A. Speidel. Brugg, 1996.

Ancient Studies CN 680 .S745 1996

T.BM Arlt

Deine Seele möge leben für immer und ewig : die demotischen Mumienschilder im British Museum, ed. C. Arlt. Leuven 2011. (Stud.Demotica 10).

Ancient Studies PJ 1809 .S88 vol.10

TOP (Trismegistos online publications)

TOP I, M. Depauw, A chronological survey of precisely dated demotic and abnormal hieratic sources (version 1.0, 2007)

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.1

Downloadable here.

TOP II, H. Verreth, A survey of toponyms in Egypt in the Graeco-Roman period (version 1.0, 2008)

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.2

Downloadable here.

TOP III, H. Verreth, The provenance of Egyptian documents from the 8th century BC till the 8th century AD (version 1.0, 2009)

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.3

Downloadable here.

TOP IV, A. Benaissa, Rural settlements of the Oxyrhynchite Nome : a papyrological survey (version 2.0, 2012).

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.4

Downloadable here.

TOP V, H. Verreth, Toponyms in demotic and  abnormal hieratic texts from the 8th century BC till the 5th century AD (version 1.0, 2011).

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.5

Downloadable here.

TOP VI, K.A. Worp, A new survey of Greek, Coptic, Demotic and Latin tabulae preserved from classical antiquity (version 1.0, 2012).

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.6

Downloadable here.

TOP VII, J. Lundon, The scholia minora in Homerum : an alphabetical list (version 1.0, 2012)

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.7

Downloadable here.

TOP VIII, Y. Broux, Double names in Roman Egypt : a prosopography. 2014 (Version 1.0, January 2015)

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.8

Downloadable here.

TOP IX, An index of toponyms in Copic papyrological texts, compiled by Åke Engsheden. 2023 (Version 1.0, September 2023)

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T75 vol.9

Downloadable here.

TOP SS  (Trismegistos online publications special series)

Unnumbered volumes

J. France, Theadelpheia and Euhemereia. Village History in Graeco-Roman Egypt. 1999

Ancient Studies DT 137 .A77 F73 1999

Downloadable here.

K. Vandorpe, Egyptische geografische elementen in Griekse transcriptie. 1988.

Ancient Studies PJ 1435 .V36 1988

Downloadable here.

H. Verreth, The northern Sinai from the 7th century BC till the 7th century AD : a guide to the sources. 2006.

Ancient Studies DT137.S55 V47 2006

Downloadable here.

Numbered volumes

TOP SS 1, K. Geens. Panopolis, a Nome Capital in Egypt in the Roman and Byzantine Period (ca. AD 200-600) (Diss. Leuven, 2007), 2014.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T76 vol.1

Downloadable here.

TOP SS 2. Theadelpheia and Euhemereia : village history in Graeco-Roman Egypt, by Jacques France. 1999.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T76 vol.2

Downloadable here.

TOP SS 3. Egyptische geografische elementen in Griekse transcriptie, by Katelijn Vandorpe. 1988.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T76 vol.3

Downloadable here.

TOP SS 4. The northern Sinai from the 7th century BC till the 7th century AD  a guide to the sources, by Herbert Verreth. 2006.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T76 vol.4

Downloadable here.

TOP SS 5. A survey of petitions and related documents from Ptolemaic Egypt, by Gert Baetens. 2020.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T76 vol.5

Downloadable here.

TOP SS 6. The formulaic language of the Greek private papyrus letters, by Delphine Nachtergaele. 2023.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .T76 vol.6

Downloadable here.

TOP SS 7, see P.Petr.Cahier

TycheSuppl. (Tyche, Supplementbände)

TycheSuppl. 1, A Mithraic catechism from Egypt, by W.M. Brashear. 1992.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.1

TycheSuppl. 2. Das europäische "Barbaricum" und die Zone der Mediterrankultur: Ihre historische Wechselwirkung und das Geschichtsbild des Poseidonios, by G. Dobesch. 1995.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.2

TycheSuppl. 3, Ostrakismos und Prominenz in Athen: Attische Bürger des 5. Jh. v. Chr. auf den Ostraka, by S. Brenne. 2000. 

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.3

TycheSuppl. 4, Foederati. Von der völkerrechtlichen Kategorie zur byzantinischen Truppengattung, by R. Scharf. 2001.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.4

TycheSuppl. 5, Stifterinschriften auf Mosaiken Westkleinasiens, by Veronika Scheibelreiter. 2006.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.5

TycheSuppl. 6, see O.Cret.Chers.

TycheSuppl. 7, Juristische Begriffe im ersten Korintherbrief des Paulus : eine semantisch-lexikalische Untersuchung auf der Basis der zeitgenössischen griechischen Papyri, by Amphilochios Papathomas. 2009.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.7

TycheSuppl. 8, Inscriptions of the Cave "Latsida ston Keramo" = Inscriptiones Creticae "Latsidae Kerami" Antri, I.Cret.LKA, by Nikos Litinas. 2014.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.8

TycheSuppl. 9, Appians Keltikē : Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar, by Andreas Hofeneder. 2018.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.9

Online copy

TycheSuppl. 10, Sprachen, Schriftkulturen, Identitäten der Antike : Beiträge des XV. Internationalen Kongresses für Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik, Wien, 28. August bis 1. September 2017. 2019.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.10

TycheSuppl. 11, Ad ripam fluminis Danuvi : papers of the 3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Vienna, 11th-14th November 2015, Wien, 2021

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.11

Online copy

TycheSuppl. 12, Empire in crisis: Gothic invasions and Roman historiography : Beiträge einer internationalen Tagung zu den Wiener Dexipp-Fragmenten (Dexippus Vindobonensis) Wien, 3.-6. Mai 2017, ed. F. Mitthof, G. Martin, J. Grusková. 2020

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.12

Online copy

TycheSuppl. 13, Ethnic terminology in Hellenistic and Early Roman Egypt :|bnew sources and new perspectives of research, by Csaba A. La'da. 2019.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.13

TycheSuppl. 14, The reception of Thucydides in the theory and practice of Hellenistic historiography, by Marcin Kurpios. 2021.

Ancient Studies D 51 .T93 Suppl.14

Online copy


Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit (ältere Funde), ed. U. Wilcken. 1927-1934. 2 vol.

Ancient Studies Quarto PA 3316 .W55 (Bd.1, Bd.2:Lfg.1 (lacks Lfg.2))

 Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3316 .W55 (Bd.1 only)

Online copy