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Papyrology: Princ.Stud.Pap.-Suppl.Mag.

Resources for research in papyrology in the Lee Library and elsewhere

Papyrus Publications in the BYU Collection (Checklist Princ.Stud.Pap.-Suppl.Mag.)

Abbreviations are keyed to the standard Papyrological abbreviations in Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablets (with post-2012 updates here) and the Checklist of Arabic Documents.

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Princ.Stud.Pap. (Princeton University Studies in Papyrology)

 Princ.Stud.Pap. I, see P.Princ. II.

 Princ.Stud.Pap. II, Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian, by S.L. Wallace. 1938. Reprint New York 1969.

Lee Stacks HJ 213 .W35x 1969

 Princ.Stud.Pap. III, The John H. Scheide Biblical Papyri: Ezekiel (P.Princ.Scheide) ed. A.C. Johnson, H.S. Gehman and E.H. Kase, Jr. 1938.

Ancient Studies BS 1544 .G7 J6

 Princ.Stud.Pap. IV, see P.Princ. III.

Princ.Stud.Pap. V, Currency in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, by L.C. West and A.C. Johnson. 1944.

Ordered for Lee Stacks 26 October 2023

Prince.Stud.Pap. VI, Byzantine Egypt: Economic Studies by A.C. Johnson and L.C. West. 1949.

Ordered for Lee Stacks 26 October 2023

Publ.Soc.Fouad (Publications de la Société Fouad I (later Égyptienne) de Papyrologie, Textes et Documents)

 Publ.Soc.Fouad I, see P.Enteux.

Publ.Soc.Fouad II, Un livre d’écolier du IIIe siècle avant J.-C., ed. O. Guéraud and P. Jouguet. 1938.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3303 .G84 1938

 Publ.Soc.Fouad III, see P.Fouad.

 Publ.Soc.Fouad IV, I resti dell’XI libro del peri physeos di Epicuro, ed. A. Vogliano. 1940.

Ancient Studies B 570 .A5 1940

 Ancient Studies Microfiche B 570 .A5 1940

 Publ.Soc.Fouad V, see P.Cair.Zen. V.

 Publ.Soc.Fouad VI, see O.Mattha.

 Publ.Soc.Fouad VII, see P.Phil.

 Publ.Soc.Fouad VIII, see P.FuadUniv.

Publ.Soc.Fouad IX, Entretien d’Origène avec Héraclide et les évêques, ses collègues, sur le père, le fils et l’âme, ed. J. Scherer. 1949.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3303 .S34 1949

 Publ.Soc.Fouad X, Les Inscriptions grecques du temple de Hatshepsout à Deir el-Bahari, ed. A. Bataille. 1951.

Ancient Studies CN 441 .D45 B37

 Ancient Studies Microfiche CN 441 .D45 B37

Publ.Sorb.Pap.  = Publications de la Sorbonne, Série "Papyrologie", Université de Paris IV, Paris-Sorbonne.     

Publ.Sorb.Pap. I, J. van Haelst, Catalogue des papyrus juifs et chrétiens. 1976.    

On order for Ancient Studies  6 September 2023

Publ.Sorb.Pap. II, G. Husson, OIKIA, Le vocabulaire de la maison privée en Égypte d’après les papyrus grecs. 1983.    

On order for Ancient Studies  6 September 2023

Publ.Sorb.Pap. III, see P.Thmouis I.


Roman Military Records on Papyrus, ed. R.O. Fink. Cleveland, 1971.

Ancient Studies U 35 .F55 1971

Online copy


Ricerca Papirologica. Messina 1992-

Ric.Pap. III, Lessico dei Carmi di Dioscoro di Aphrodito, by A. Saija. 1995.

On order for Ancient Studies  26 October 2023


Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten. 1913-<2012> (A collection of documentary papyri, ostraca, inscriptions, mummy tablets and related texts published in journals or unindexed catalogues. Begun by F. Preisigke in 1915, continued by F. Bilabel, E. Kiessling, and H.-A. Rupprecht).

Ancient Studies PA 3316 .P74 (Library lacks Bd.4-5; Bd.1-3 are 1974 reprint)

 Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3316 .P74 (Bd.1-5)

Online copy (Bd.1-4, 8)

SB Beiheft

  SB Beiheft 1. See P.Rev (2nd ed.)

SB Kopt.

Koptisches Sammelbuch. 1993-<2020> (MPER n.S. 23)

Ancient Studies PA 3308 .V5 n.S. no.23 vol.1-5

Schr.Heid. (Papyrusinstitut Heidelberg, Schriften)

 Schr.Heid. I, Vom göttlichen Fluidum nach ägyptischer Anschauung, by F. Preisigke. 1920.

Ancient Studies BL 2445 .P7 1920

Online copy

Schr.Heid. II, see P.Katoché.

Schr.Heid. III, Das Signalement in den Papyrusurkunden, by Johannes Hasebroek. 1921.

Online copy

Schr.Heid. IV, see O.Berl.

Schr.Heid. V, Das Verhältnis der griechischen und ägyptischen Texte in den zwei-sprachigen Dekreten von Rosette und Kanopus, by W. Spiegelberg. 1922.

Online copy

Schr.Heid. VI, Die Gotteskraft der frühchristlichen Zeit, by F. Preisigke. 1922.

Online copy


Select Papyri. (The Loeb Classical Library). London and Cambridge, Mass, 1932-1942. 3 vol.

Ancient Studies PA 3611 .A9 1932

Lee Stacks PA 3301 .H8 1932

Online copy

Short Texts

Demotic and Greek short texts gathered from many publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming.     

Short Texts I, Some Coins of Artaxerxes and other short texts in the Demotic Script found on various objects and gathered from many publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming. 2001. Nos. 1-277. (Stud.Demotica 5)    

Ancient Studies PJ 1809 .S88 vol.5

Short Texts II, Demotic and Greek-Demotic Mummy Labels and other short texts gathered from many publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming. Leuven - Paris - Walpole, MA 2011. Nos. 278—1200. (Stud.Demotica 9)    

Ancient Studies PJ 1809 .S88 vol.9

Short Texts III, Demotic Graffiti and other short texts gathered from many publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming. Leuven - Paris - Bristol, CT 2015. Nos. 1201—2350. (Stud.Demotica 12)

Ancient Studies PJ 1809 .S88 vol.12

Shorthand Manuals

Greek Shorthand Manuals, ed. H.J.M. Milne. London, 1934.

Ancient Studies Z 114 .M66

Online copy

STHP (Studien und Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung)

 STHP I. See P.Heid.Kopt.

 STHP II. See P.Heid.XI

Stud.Amst. (Studia Amstelodamensia ad epigraphicam, ius antiquum et papyrologicam pertinentia)

 Stud.Amst. I, see P.Vind.Worp.

Srud.Amst. II, Index of Articles, Volumes 1—50 of Aegyptus, by S.M.E. van Lith. 1974.

On order for Ancient Studies 26 October 2023

Stud.Amst. III, The Charm of Legal History, by H. van den Brink. 1974.

On order for Ancient Studies 26 October 2023

Stud.Amst. VIII, Chronological Systems of Byzantine Egypt, by R.S. Bagnall and K.A. Worp. 1978.

Lee Stacks CE 29 .B34 1978

Second edition (Brill, 2004)

Ancient Studies CE 29 .B34 2004

Stud.Amst. IX, see O.Amst.

Stud.Amst. XVII, see P.Customs

 Stud.Amst. XVIII, Gaius Noster: Plaidoyer pour Gaius, by O. Stanojevic. 1989.

Ancient Studies KJA 882 .S7 1989

 Stud.Amst. XIX, see P.Mich. XV.

 Stud.Amst. XXIX, Roman Imperial Titulature and Chronology, A.D. 235—284, by M. Peachin. 1990.

Lee Stacks DG 305 .P42x 1990

Stud.Amst. XXX, Le Droit romain en Dacie, by V. Sotropa. 1990.

Ancient Studies KJA 190 .S68 1990

 Stud.Amst. XXXII, see P.Erasm. II

 Stud.Amst. XXXIII, see P.Pher.

Stud.Amst. XXXIV, see P.Bodl. I

Stud.Amst. XXXV, Collatio Iuris Romani, Études dédiées à Hans Ankum à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire, ed. R. Feenstra, A.S. Hartkamp, J.E. Spruit, P.J. Sijpesteijn and L.C. Winkel. 1995.

Ancient Studies KJA 147 .C59 1995

 Stud.Amst. XXXVI, see P.Mich. XVIII.

Stud.Amst. XXXVII, Die Fiduzia im römischen Recht, by G. Noordraven. 1999.

Lee Stacks KJA 2506 .N6615 1999

Stud.Amst. XXXVIII, Viva Vox Iuris Romani: Essays in Honour of Johannes Emil Spruit, ed. L. de Ligt, J. de Ruiter, E. Slob, J.M. Tevel, M. van de Vrugt and L.C. Winkel.  2002.

Ancient Studies KJA 147 .V593 2002

Stud.Demotica (Studia Demotica)

Stud.Demotica I, see DemCongr. II

Stud.Demotica II, see P.Choach.Survey.

Stud.Demotica III, see P.Hou.

Stud.Demotica IV, see P.Tsenhor.

Stud.Demotica V, see Short Texts I.

Stud.Demotica VI, see P.Zauzich.

Stud.Demotica VII, see BL Dem.

Stud.Demotica VIII, see O.Taxes II

Stud.Demotica IX, see Short Texts II

Stud.Demotica X, see T.BM Arlt.

Stud.Demotica XI, Aspects of demotic orthography : acts of an International Colloquium held in Trier, 8 Novemberr 2010, ed. S.P. Vleeming. 2013

Ancient Studies PJ 1809 .S88 vol.11

Stud.Demotica XII, see Short Texts III

Stud.Demotica XIII, see P.Erbstreit²

Stud.Pal. (or SPP) (Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde)

Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde, Bd. 1-23. 1901-1924

Online copy

Stud.Pal. I. 1901.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.1-2, 4

Online copy

Stud.Pal. II. 1902.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.1-2, 4

Online copy

Stud.Pal. III, Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats I (P.Kl. Form. I), ed. C. Wessely. 1904.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.3, 8

Online copy

Stud.Pal. III², = Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats Neuedition.

Pt. 1, Quittungen, Lieferungskäufe, und Darlehen, ed. S. Tost. Vienna 2007. (Pap.Vind. 2).

Ancient Studies PA 3308 .V645 Bd.1

Pt. 2, Schuldscheine und Quittungen, ed. F. Mitthof. Vienna 2007. (Pap.Vind. 3).

Ancient Studies PA 3308 .V645 Bd.2

Pt. 5, Quittungen für die Getreidesteuer, ed. C. Kreuzsaler. Vienna 2007. (Pap.Vind. 6).

Ancient Studies PA 3308 .V645 Bd.5

Stud.Pal. IV. 1905.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.1-2, 4

Online copy

Stud.Pal. V, Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanorum I (C.P.Herm.), ed. C. Wessely. 1905.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.5

Online copy

Stud.Pal. VI, Kolotes und Menedemos: Texte und Untersuchungen zur Philosophen- und Literaturgeschichte, ed. W. Cronert. 1906.

Online copy

Stud.Pal. VII, Demotische und griechische Texte auf Mumientäfelchen in der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, ed. N. Reich. 1908.

Online copy

Stud.Pal. VIII, Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats II (P.Kl. Form. II), ed. C. Wessely. 1908.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.3, 8

Online copy

Stud.Pal. IX, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts I, ed. C. Wessely. 1909

Online copy

Stud.Pal. X, Griechische Texte zur Topographie Ägyptens, ed. C. Wessely. 1910.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.10

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XI, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts II, ed. C. Wessely. 1911

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XII, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts III, ed. C. Wessely. 1912.

Ancient Studies Quarto PA 3339 .S7 vol.12 (1966 reprint)

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XIII. 1913.

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XIV, Die ältesten lateinischen und griechischen Papyri Wiens, ed. C. Wessely. 1914.

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XV, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts IV, ed. C. Wessely. 1914

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XVI, Duodecim prophetarum minorum versionis Achmimicae Codex Rainerianus, ed. C. Wessely. 1915.

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XVII. 1917.

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XVIII, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts V, ed. C. Wessely. 1917

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XIX, Studien zu den koptischen Rechtsurkunden aus Oberägypten, ed. A. Steinwenter. 1920.

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XX, Catalogus Papyrorum Raineri. Series Graeca. Pars I. Textus Graeci papyrorum, qui in libro "Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer–Führer durch die Austellung Wien 1894" descripti sunt, ed. C. Wessely. 1921.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.20

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XXI, Griechisch-ägyptischer Offenbarungszauber, ed. Th. Hopfner. 1921. Revised ed. Amsterdam 1974.

Ancient Studies Quarto PA 3339 .S7 1921 vol.1

Online copy (1921 edition)

Stud.Pal. XXII, Catalogus papyrorum Raineri. Series Graeca. Pars II. Papyri N.24858—25024, aliique in Socnopaei Insula scripti, ed. C. Wessely. 1922.

Ancient Studies Microfiche PA 3339 .S7 vol.22

Online copy

Stud.Pal. XXIII, Griechisch-ägyptischer Offenbarungszauber: seine Methoden, ed. Th. Hopfner. 1924. 

Online copy

StudPap (Studia Papyrologica et Aegyptiaca Parisina)

StudPap 1, Églises et chapelles d'Alexandrie byzantine : recherches de topographie cultuelle, by Jean Gascou. Paris, 2020.

Lee Stacks NA 4829 .B9 G37 2020

StudPap 2, Les Hieroglyphica d'Horapollon de l'Égypte antique à l'Europe moderne : histoire, fiction et réappropriation, ed. Jean-Luc Fournet. Paris, 2021.

Lee Stacks PA 4211 .H67 A65346 2018

StudPap 3, Les salariés de l'Égypte romano-byzantine : essai d'histoire économique, by Christel Freu. Paris, 2022

Lee Stacks HD 4844 .F74 2022

StudPap 4, see P.Sorb.Copt.

StudPap 5, L'arbre et le bois dans l'Égypte gréco-romaine, by Valérie Schram. Paris, 2023

On order for Lee Stacks 25 October 2023

Stud.Test.Pap. (Studi e testi di Papirologia)

Stud.Test.Pap. 1, Il testamento romano attraverso la prassi documentale., by M. Amelotti. 1966

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 vol.1

Stud.Test.Pap. 2, Ricerche sulla maiuscola biblica, by G. Cavallo. 2 vols. 1967.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 vol.2

Stud.Test.Pap. 3, Il Cristianesimo in Egitto: Lettere private nei papiri dei secoli II-IV, by M. Naldini. Florence 1968.

Ancient Studies BR 190 .N3 1968

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 1, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchus, ed. J. Spooner. 2002.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.1

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 2, Le calzature nei papiri di eta greco-romana, by S. Russo. 2004.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.2

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 3, Il libro greco dalle origini al Rinascimento, by J. Irigoin, tr. A. Magnani. 2009.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.3

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 4, Il papiro di Posidippo un anno dopo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze, 13-14 giugno 2002, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2002.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.4

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 5, Menandro: Cent'anni di papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze, 12-13 giugno 2003, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2004.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.5

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 6, La ceramica da Antinoe, by M.E. Guidotti e L. Pesi. 2004.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.6

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 7, Euripide e i papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze 10-11 giugno 2004, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2005.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.7

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 8, Callimaco: cent’anni di papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze 9-10 giugno 2005, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2006.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.8

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 9, I papiri di Saffo e di Alceo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze 8-9 giugno 2006, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2007.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.9

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 10, Esiodo : cent'anni di papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 7-8 giugno 2007, ed. G. Bastianini. 2008.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.10

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 11, 100 anni di istituzioni Fiorentine per la papirologia : 1908 Societa Italiana per la ricerca dei Papiri 1928 Istituto Papirologico. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 12-13 giugno 2008. Ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2009.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.11

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 12, I papiri del romanzo antico. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 11-12 giugno 2009. Ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2010.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.12

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 13, I papiri letterari cristiani Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi in memoria di Mario Naldini, Firenze, 10-11 giugno 2010. Ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2011.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.13

Stud.Test.Pap. n.s. 14. I papiri omerici : atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze 9-10 giugno 2011, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. Firenze, 2012.

Ancient Studies PA 3339 .S68 N.S.14


Supplementum Magicum, ed. with translations and notes by R.W. Daniel and F. Maltomini. Opladen, 1990-1992. 2 vol.

Ancient Studies PJ 1014 .P3 vol.16